



Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)


56. I like eating m   , like chicken and beef.

57. There are seven days in a w   .

58. —Where’s your mother?

—She is making cakes in the k   .

59. Eating a lot of   (蔬菜)is good for our health.

60. —What’s your father?

—He is a   (农民).


61. Tomorrow   (be)my birthday. I’ll have a party.

62. Let’s   (buy)her a new phone.

63. There are a lot of   (potato)in the bag.

64.    (this)are my English story books.

65. Lucy is the   (one)student to get full marks(得满分).


66. Are there any books in the bag?  (作肯定回答)


67. His pen is on the desk.(对画线部分提问)

________   _________ his  pen?

68. Lingling is twelve years old. (对画线部分提问)

_______  _______ is Lingling?

69. There are some flowers on the table.(改为否定句)

There_________  _________ flowers on the table.

70. 大明在哪儿?(翻译成英语)

__________  __________ Daming?



A: Betty, please look at the photo. 71.

B: No, she is my friend.

A: 72.

B: Susan Brown. She likes music. 73.

A: Who’s the man? Is he her father?

B: Yes. 74.         He can speak English.

A: Is the woman her mother?

B: Yes, she is.

A: 75.

B: She is a hotel manager.



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