One weekend, a woman and her busband go to a shop in Toronto,Canada.When they get back home,they can’t find their camera(照相机).They think the camera is in the shop.After a few weeks,they go to that shop again and the boss(老板 )of the shop givs their camera back to them.
When the husband sees the pictures,he finds two pictures he does not take.In one picture,there is a man standing at the door of the shop.In his hand,there is a piece of paper(一张纸)with these words on it,“I find your camera.”In the other picture,there is a boy with a piece of paper in his hand.There are some words on the paper,too—“I take the pictures”.
( )63Toronto is in .
A.Japan B.America C.Canada D.China
( )64.After getting home,they can’t find their .
A.car B.camera C.picture D.book
( )65.After a few weeks,they go to to look for their camera.
A.that shop B.a man’s office C.Toronto D.a man’s home
( )66. gives the camera back to them.
A.The boss of the shop B.Their boss
C.The husband’s boss D.A boy
( )67.Who takes the two pictures?
A.The husband. B.The boy. C.The boss D.The wife
68 Now she is waiting for the bus with her friends.
“The bus is coming”,Says Amy.
The big school bus is stopping at the bus stop. 69 They are going to school. 70 .
71 But their bus isn’t there now.She sees a new bus.Her friends are saying to her,“How do you like the new bus,Amy?Come on! We are waiting for you!”
72 All her friends are in the bus.They go home on the new bus.
A.Amy goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.
B.The get off the bus and go into the school at 7:50
C.The boys and girls are getting on the bus.
D.They go to school on foot.
E.Amy goes to the new bus and gets on it,too
F.After school,Amy looks for their bus.
68. 69. 70. 71. 72.
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