( )17. Where will they go?
A. To the City Park. B. To the City Museum. C. To the City Zoo.
( )18. How will they go there?
A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By subway.
( )19. How long will it take them to go there?
A. Only one hour. B. Over two hours. C. Over three hours.
( )20. What will they have for lunch?
A. Bread. B. Water and apples. C. Both A and B.
School Library Rules
21. You have to be ______________in the school.
22. Don’t bring any ______________in the library.
23. Never ___________when you go into the library.
24. Don’t __________loudly.
25. The library is not open after _________in the afternoon, so return the books in time.
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