1. M: Where does your new foreign teacher come from?
W: He comes from California, America.
2. W: How does your mother usually go to work, Li Lei?
M: On foot. But she rides her bike when it’s rainy or snowy.
3. W: What a lovely doll! Where did you buy it Adam?
M: In the toy shop near our school.
W: I also want to buy one for my sister. Her birthday is coming up.
4. W: What are you going to do this weekend, Jim?
M: I’m going to the beach with my uncle and my cousin.
5. W: I don’t know what to buy. Can you give me some advice?
M: You’d better try on this pink dress. I think it will look nice on you.
6. M: Tomorrow is Women’s Day. Let’s give our mother a surprise.
W: That’s great.
7. M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library?
W: Yes, walk that way. The library is on the left, between the museum and the cinema.
8. M: Excuse me. Are you from the USA?
W: No, I’m not. I’m from Canada. What about you?
M: I’m English.
9. W: Hello! Can I speak to Miss Green?
M: Sorry, but she’s in her office now. Her mobile phone is 95342678.
10.W : Did you go to watch the basketball game yesterday evening?
M: No, I had a lot of homework to do.
M: Guys, Let’s have a party.
W: What a good idea! When shall we have it?
M: What about Saturday evening?
W: Fine. And where shall we have it?
M: Is it OK in your flat?
W: Oh, you know what my mother’s like. She won’t let us have a party there.
M: Let’s ask Mary. Perhaps we can have it in her flat.
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