


威廉希尔app 初中频道提供大量初中生学习资料,在第一时间更新威廉希尔app 。以下是人教版七年级英语上册单元测试题:

Unit 7 How much are these pants?

Listening Test Part(20分)


( ) 1. cap A. orange

( ) 2. shorts B. black and white

( ) 3. bag C. yellow

( ) 4. T-shirt D. green

( ) 5. sweater E. blue

Ⅱ. 请听对话及问题,选出最佳答语.

6. A. Nine dollars. B. Nineteen dollars. C. Ninety dollars.

7. A. Fifteen dollars. B. Eight dollars. C. Eighteen dollars.

8. A. Two B. Twelve C. Twenty

9. A. Black B. Two dollars C. long

10.A. Six dollars. B. Three dollars. C. Nine dollars.



Written Test Part (80分)

Ⅳ. 词汇。(10分)

A) 请看图画,填写相应的单词。(5分

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B) 请按要求完成下列各题。(5分)

6. big (反义词) 7. long (反义词)

8. buy (反义词) 9. 27 (英文数字) 10. thirty(写出数字)


( )11. The red socks _________two dollars.

A. am B. is C. are

( )12. We have socks _________all colors _________$5 each.

A. at ; in B. in ; at C. at ; at

( )13. The yellow shorts are ­­­­_______ $30.

A. too B. also C. or

( )14. Come down to the bookstore and see for _______.

A. you B. your C. yourself

( )15. Do you need shoes for sports_______ dance?

A. or B. and C. of

( )16.We _________have 100 yuan .

A. every B. each C. each other

( )17. The green shorts are. ¥________.

A. thirteen B. thirtyteen C. fourty

( )18. _______is this T-shirt?

A. How about B. How many C. How much

( )19. ---Can I help you? ---Yes, please. I want _________.

A. a sweater B. sweaters C. a sweaters

( )20. My brother is _________.

A. twenty and two B. twenty two C. twenty-two

Ⅵ. 情景交际。请根据所提供情景,从方框中选择一个正确答案。

A. I’d like some milk.

B. You’re welcome.

C. What color do you like?

D. How much are these pants?

E. Can I help you?

21.---Thank you. ---_______

22.---________. ---They’re nineteen dollars.

23.---What would you like? ---________.

24.---________. ---Yes, I want this bag.

25.---________. --- I like green

Ⅶ. 完成句子。请根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。(10分)

26. This clothing shop sells all kinds of T__________.

27. How much is the g__________ hat?

28. Do you l__________ these socks cheap?

29. I’ll t_________ the red pants.

30. What c_______ do you want?

Ⅷ. 补全对话。请根据图画及对话情景补全所缺单词,每空一词。(10分)

A. What can I do ____31____you?

B. Yes, I’d __32___some potatoes.

A: How many do you ___33_____?

B. Four, please. ____34_____much are they?

A. Potatoes are two yuan each __35____ there are four.

B. Ok. I ___36____ take them.

A. ___37___ that all?

B. No, I want some ____38____too.

A. Ok . ____39____you are.

B. ____40____

Ⅸ .完型填空。(10分)

Near our school there is a store. It’s____41____ but there’re ___42____of school things. Do___43____ like exercise books, erasers, pens ____44_____ color pencils? They’re____45____ . Big erasers are just one yuan____46_____ and the small one is 0.5yuan. The color pencils are just ____47___ 2yuan. I want the cartoon pencil sharpener. It is ____48_____ expensive ,either. I will take____49____. Do you want some school things for yourself? Just come ___50______ this store.

( )41. A. big B. small C. long

( )42. A. lots B. lot C. many

( )43. A.I B. they C. you

( )44. A. or B. and C. but

( )45. A. expensive B. cheap C. dear

( )46. A. one B. every C. each

( )47. A. for B. on C. in

( )48. A. not B. no C. /

( )49. A. them B. it C. that

( )50. A. for B. to C. down

Ⅹ.阅读理解。请根据对话内容判断下列各句正( T )误(F )(10分)


( S=shopper C=clerk)

S: Excuse me, do you have any sports bags?

C: Yes. What kind do you need? The big one?

S: Yes, how much is it?

C: It is 35 dollars.

S: Oh, it’s too dear!

C: How about the small one? It is cheap and it’s 15 dollars.

S: But I don’t like black bags.

C: We have this kind of bags in all colors.

S: That’s great! I will take the red one.

C: Here you are.

( )51. The shopper wants a school bag.

( )52. The big bag is not cheap.

( )53. The small bag is 35 dollars.

( )54.The shopper likes the red bag.

( )55. The shopper takes the bag for 15 dollars.


Some small children don’t know it’s not polite to laugh at others. Some of them laugh at a lame (脚疾) or blind (盲) person, or someone in bad clothes. but as they grow up, they learn not to hurt people’s feelings by laughing at their problems. They learn to laugh at other things. Most important, they learn to laugh at themselves. For example, you make a mistake and lose in a basketball match. Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? If you can, you’ve really grown up.

( ) 56. To laugh at others is not _____________.

A. easy B. polite C. difficult D. bad

( ) 57. When small children grow up, they learn _______ .

A. to hurt people’s feelings B. not to hurt people’s feelings

C. to laugh at blind persons D. not to laugh at themselves

( ) 58. If you don’t win a basketball match, you should ______.

A. become angry with the winners B. laugh at the winners

C. hope to do better next time D. lose another next time

( ) 59. We know from the passage, “ not to hurt people’s feeling ” means____.

A. small children have really grown up

B. not do anything better next time

C. often become angry with themselves

D. still laugh at other’s problems

( ) 60. The most important thing for children is to learn not to ______.

A. laugh at the problems B. laugh at others

C. win basketball matches D. get angry with their parents

Ⅺ. 句型转换(5分)

61. My glasses are $45. They _________ $45.

62. These shoes are $ 17. ( 划线部分提问 )

___________ ____________ ___________ these shoes?

63. May I help you?

What ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ you?

64. A: ___________ much __________ ___________ fish?

B: It’s $18.

65. That’s very cheap. I’ll buy it.

That’s not _____________, and I’ll ___________ it.

XII. 回答问题。请根据你的实际情况回答下列问题。(10分)

66. How many hats do you have? ______________________________________________

67. What colours are they?____________________________________________________

68. Do you like blue sock?____________________________________________________

69. How much are your shoes? ________________________________________________

70. Do you like go shopping with your parents? ___________________________________


Look at these things. They are new and nice. The cap is Jeff’s. It’s yellow. The shorts are Tom’s. They’re blue. Look at the orange bag, it’s his. He likes the colour. What about the green T-shirt? it’s mine. It’s new. I like green. But the sweater is not mine. It’s Han Mei’s . It’s black and white.

She likes these two colors.


6. W: Can I help you ?

M: Yes. How much is the blue sweater?

W: It’s nineteen dollars.

Q: How much is the blue sweater?

7. W: We have black and blue hats for fifteen dollars?

M: But how much is the white one?

W: It’s eighteen dollars.

Q: How much is the white hat?

8. W: Good afternoon, Tom . Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I want twelve tomatoes.

Q: How many tomatoes does Tom want?

9. W: Peter, what can I do for you?

M: I want two pairs of black pants.

Q: What color are the pants?

10. W: How much are the three pairs of shorts?

M: They are nine dollars.

Q: How much are the shorts each.?


Let’s go into Mr Cool’s clothing store. They have many nice and cheap clothes in the store.

Look at the nice sweater , it’s only 35 dollars. The pants are cheap, too. They’re 20 dollars. I like the bag and the hat. The bag is 15 dollars and the hat is only 5 dollars. Look at the socks. How much are they? They are 8 dollars.


1-5: CEADB 6-10: BCBAB

11.sweater: $35 pants: $20 bag: $15 hat: $5 socks: $8

Written Test Part

1--5. pants shoes cap sweater trousers

6—10 : small short sell twenty-seven 30

11—15: CBBCA 16—20 : BACAC 21—25: BDAEC

26. T-shirt 27. green 28. like 29. take 30. color

31. for 32. like 33. want 34.how 35. and

36. will 37. Is 38.bananas 39. here 40 Thanks

41—45: BACAB 46—50:CAABB 51—55: FTFTT 56—60: BBCAB

61. are /cost 62. How much are 63. can I do for

64. How is the 65. expensive/ dear take/have

66-70 略

er. He likes playing basketball. His favourite food is chicken and hamburgers. He likes blue best.




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