





1.We send some c________ to Daming on his birthday.

2.Can you come to my birthday p________ this Sunday evening?

3.(改编•荆州)My mother made me a c________ in the shape(形状) of a heart.

4.My friends al ways give me many p________on my birthday.

5.It's a s________day for me because it's my birthday today.


6.My mother ne ver________(make) a birthday cake for me.She always________(buy) me a b ig one.

7.Would you l ike________(go)shopping with me?

8.We sing in ________(China).

9.________(Jenny) birthday party is on Saturday.

10.My mother always ________ (wash) clothes on Sunday.


11.Jane________to school by bus.

A.often go B.often goes

C.go often D.to go often

12.(中考•河南)—What did you get________ your birthday, Tony?

—An iPad 3, from my aunt.

A.to B.at C.with D.for

13.—Would you like to go out to play basketball with me?

— ________,but I must finish my homework first.

A.It's hard to say B.You're welcome

C.I'd love to D .You're right

14.Can you sing th e song in Chinese________in English?

A.for B.or C.of D.from

15.(改编•安顺)—Fred is studying Chinese in one evening school.

—Is that true?He has ________ told me about it.

A.seldom B.even C.a lready  D.never


16.Would you like some nice cakes?(作肯定回答)


17.Please give him a cup of tea. (改为同义句)

Please give a cup of tea ________ ________.

18.We usually sing and dance at the party.(对画线部分提问)

________ do you usually ________ at the party?

19.I w ould like to buy a pen. (改 为一般疑问句)

________ you ________ to buy a pen?

20.Do you go to school by bus?Do you go to school by bike?(合并为一句)



一、1.cards 2.party 3.cake

4.presents 5.special

二、6.makes;buys 7.to go

8.Chinese 9.Jenny's 10.washes

三、11~15:B D C B D

四、16.Yes, please. 17.to him

18.What; do 19.Would; like

20.Do you go to sc hool by bus or by bike?

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的上海牛津初一英语上册Unit4家庭作业,大家一定要仔细阅读哦,祝大家学习进步。


冀教版初一英语Unit4家庭作业题:Food and Restaurants  


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