


尽快地掌握学习知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 初中频道为您提供的七年级上册英语寒假作业答案,希望给您带来启发!

1、The boy went to the recepttion.

2、The boy is at the recepttion .

3 The boy is far from the recepttion.

4、The cat jumped onto the table.

5、The cat on the table

6、The cat fall off the table.

7、It is above the car.

8、It is below the car.

9、The boy is in front of the car.

10、The boy is behind the car.

11、The policeman is behind two cars.

12、The boy walks into the house.

13、The girl is in the house.

14、 The boy walks out of the house . The most important qualities:helpful,friendly,kind Reasons:I think make friends should care about each other,help each other. Feb 1: to clean up the house and prepare for reunion   dinner; Feb 1 till mid night: to dine till 2359 hours for the new year; Feb 2: get lucky money Feb 2: to pay our senior member of the family visit and wish them a very prosperous new year; Feb 3: To visit our relatives and friend for new year;






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