


假期期间,学校会要求我们完成学习作业,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初一年级上册英语寒假作业答案,供大家做完之后参考。

IV. 见课本 P53 Ex.8 Conversation Part A

V. 练习题

1. 选词填空.

(1) A: Excuse me. Is there a gas station near here? B: Yes, there is. There’s __one___ around the corner.

(2) A: How _many_ hotels are there in this neighborhood? B: There are __a few / some / many__.

(3) A: Is there __any / much__ public transportation near here? B: No, there isn’t _any / much___.

(4) A: How __much__ noise is there ? B: There’s __none__. It’s really quiet.

(5) A: Is there __any / much_ parking ? B: No, there isn’t ___any / much_______.

2. 根据答语或提示,写出对应的问句:

(1) A: __How many trees are there__? B: There are ten or twelve trees.

(2) A: ___Is there any public transportation___? B: Yes, there’s a little public transportation.

(3) A: ___How much milk is there in the glass____? B: There is a lot milk in the glass.

(4) A: ___Are there any pay phones__?

(5) A: ___How much is the red coat ___?

(6) A: ____Where is the post office___? B: No, there aren’t any pay phones. B: The red coat is only 80 yuan. B: The post office is opposite the bank.

(7) A: ____How can I get to the bank____? B: Go straight down the street and turn left. (The bank)






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