


初中各科目的学习对同学们提高综合成绩非常重要,接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初一年级上学期英语寒假作业

一、1. keep healthy/fit 2. be good for 3. be hungry 4. too much sugar

5. finish doing homework

6. 祝贺你! 7. 不再 8. 变得疲劳 9. 从不运动/锻炼 10. 感觉好些

二、1 – 5 CBDCA 6 – 10 CBDAC

三、A) 1. traditional 2. well 3. less 4. Teachers’ 5. dancers

B) 6. chatting 7. to buy 8. Did; invite 9. going 10. doesn’t fit


五、1. doesn’t; enough; to buy; present for 2. getting fat 3. It’s important

4. seldom eat 5. exercise for

六、1. didn’t; any more 2. are some watches; boxes 3. How long does; play

4. with; and 5. walks home

七、1. They often plays football on the football field.

2. Kitty goes to her dancing lessons every day except Sunday.

3. Do you get red packets from your parents at Chinese New Year?

4. He doesn’t plan to have meat or bread for dinner

5. How many kinds of food can you eat in the restaurant?

八、1. It happened in the 18th century.

2. He liked to play cards for money.

3. He put the meat between two pieces of bread and held the food in his right hand while he played cards with his left hand.

4. Because they liked Sandwich’s idea.

5. Both.

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的初一年级上学期英语寒假作业很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!





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