


( )1.__________ found the book.

A. Tony B. Jack Wilson C. Mike D. Army

( )2.You found an ID card, you can call Mike at __________.

A. 495-3456 B.487-2349 C. 476-5939 D. 498-2456

( )3. If you want to play volleyball, _________ can help you.

A. Tony B. Mike C. Jack Wilson D. Army

( )4. Take the things to __________.

A. Feifei B. Feifei’s grandma

C. Feifei’s sister D. Feifei’s brother

( )5. How many (多少) things does Feifei take?

A.2 B.3 C. 4 D.5


This is Mary. She is ten. She is in Beijing with her grandparents. Her parents are in the USA. Mary doesn’t have sisters or brothers.

Every morning, her grandfather Mr Lin brings(带来) breakfast to Mary’s room. He knows Mary likes Beijing food very much.

Mary likes her grandfather and wants(想) to thank him.

This morning, Mr. Lin takes breakfast to Mary’s room, but he can’t find his granddaughter.

“Mary, where are you ?”

“I’m here in the kitchen(厨房).” Mary takes a hamburger with some vegetables(蔬菜)to her grandfather.

“Dear grandfather, thanks for your breakfast. And this is my breakfast for you. It’s good for your health.”

What a nice girl.

( )1.Where is Mary?

A. She is in the USA. B. She is in Beijing C. She is in Shanghai.

( )2. What’s Mary’s last name?

A. Lin B. Li C. Smith

( )3. What does Mary’s grandfather do every morning?

A. He takes Mary to school. B. He brings a hamburger to Mary.

C. He brings breakfast to Mary’s room.

( )4. What does Mary take to her grandfather ?

A. A hamburger with some fruit. B. A hamburger and some tomatoes

C.A hamburger with some vegetables

( )5.Whichis right?(下面哪项陈述是正确的?)

A. Mary likes hamburgers. B. Mary is with her father

C. Mary likes her grandfather


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