


B)用所给词的适当形式填空. (每空1分,共10分)

1. She is a girl. ________ name is Gina. (she)

2. It _____ nice. (be)

3. Nice ________ you. (meet)

4. ______ you Mary? (be)

5. My name is Linda Hand. Linda is my ______ name. (one)

6. Frank and Dale _____ OK. (be)

7. I _____Jim. (be)

8. What color is ____ key? --- Blue. (she)

9. _____last name is Zhang. (I)

10. I am Ms. ________ (brown)

C) 用a, an, the 填空(每空1分,共5分)

1. Is that _____ English book?

2. This is my orange. _____ orange is yellow.

3. This is ____ pen and that is ______ ruler.

4.______ quilt is green.

5.It is ________ blue ruler.


A: Hi, Jack!

B:  1 , Gina!

A: How  2  you?

B: I’m  3  , thanks.  4   are you?

A: I’m OK.

B:   5  his name?

A: His name  6  Mike Smith.

B: So Smith is his   7   name?

A: Yes, you’re right.

B: And what’s his phone number?

A:   8  628-7578.

B: OK, __9__you.

A: You are __10__.

(    )1.A. Hello    B. OK       C. Good

(    )2.A. am      B.is         C. are

(    )3.A. fine      B. nice      C. good

(    )4.A. How     B. What     C. Which

(    )5.A. How’s    B. What’s   C. What

(    )6.A. are       B. is        C. am

(    )7.A. full       B. last      C. first

(    )8.A. That’s     B. It’s      C. This is

(    )9.A. thank     B. see       C. thanks

(    )10.A. welcome  B. right     C. OK



A                      B

(   ) 1. How are you:?           A.She is Cindy

(   ) 2.What’s her name?        B.It’s a map.

(   ) 3.Good evening, Alice!      C.Yes, I am.

(   )4.Are you Bob?            D.I am OK,thanks.

(   ) 5.What’s that?            E.Good evening,Eric!

B). 补全对话,每空一词。(每空1分,共10分)

Jim:  _____1___, I’m Wang  Kaikai. ____2___ your name?

Tom: My___3____is Tom.

Jim : ___4___ to meet you.

Tom: Nice to meet you ,__5___.

Jim: Excuse me, __6____this in English?

Tom: __7___ a pencil.

Jim:Spell it,    8    !

Tom: P—E—N—C—I—L—E.

Jim: ____9___ ___10___is the pencil?

Tom: It’s red.

1.___________ 2.____________ 3.__________ 4.___________ 5.__________

6.___________ 7.____________ 8.__________ 9.___________ 10.____________


(    ) 1. What’s  that  at  English?           __________

A         B    C    D

(    ) 2. Is  this  his  pens?                  __________

A    B    C     D

(    ) 3. ——Is it you  key?   ——Yes,  it  is.  _______

A     B               C     D

(    ) 4. ——What’s this?    ——It  is  a  E.  __________

A                 B   C   D

(    ) 5.Excuse me, What’s color is this?          ___________

A    B      C      D






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