


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了新教材外研版初一英语寒假作业测试,希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!

一.  根据句子意思及中文提示填入适当的单词.

1.      Can you _______(说) Chinese ?

2.      Tony can _______(游泳).

3.      Betty and Lingling can _______(踢) football.

4.      Mum, I can’t _______ (骑) a horse.

二.  单项选择.

(   )1.Dad can play the ______.

A.piano         B.football      C.basketball    D.table tennis

(   )2.—Can you sing this song?

--_____ It’s hard(难).

A.Yes, I am      B.No, I’m not.  C.Yes, I can.    D.No, I can’t.

(   )3.Welcome Daming and Lingling _____ our school.

A.from          B.to          C.in           D.and

(   )4.That boy is from _______.

A.English        B.Chinese     C.American     D.England

(   )5.—Is that girl ___ friend?

--Yes . ____ is 12 years old.

A.Helen, He      B.Helen’s ,He  C.Helen , She    D.Helen’s , She

三.  根据英语解释及所给首字母的提示,完成单词拼写.

1.s_______   Mr Wang often works in an office and helps his manager.

2.w______   My aunt works in a factory.

3.d_______   His father works at the hospital.

4.t_______    Miss Li works in a middle school.

5.p______    Jim’s father or Jim’s mother.

6.p______    Jim’s father and Jim’s mother.

四.  按要求句型转换.

1.      Sam is English .(改为同义句)


2.      Wang Dong is in Class Two.(划线提问)


3.      Tony can play table tennis.


4.      He is a Chinese student.(改为复数句)


5.      I can speak Arabic .(改为一般疑问句)


6.      Can you swim?(作否定回答)___________________

7.      Can she ride a bike?(作肯定回答)________________

8.      They can play basketball.(划线提问)


五.  补全对话.(每空词数不限)

A:Hello! _______________             B:Nice to meet you, too.

A:Excuse me. Are you Jane?             B:Yes,I am.

A:_____________________             B:I’m 12 years old.

A:_____________________             B:I am from Japan.

A:____________English ?

B:No, __________,but I can speak Japanese and Chinese .

六.  请从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答句.

A                           B

(   )1.What’s your father’s name?            A.She is a hotel manager.

(   )2.What’s your brother’s job?             B.He is a factory worker.

(   )3.What’s your mother’s job?             C.England.

(   )4.Where is our English teacher from?      D.John Smith.

(   )5.Can you speak English ?               E.Yes, but I can’t speak Chinese .

七.  根据你的朋友Daming一家三口信息的提示,用简练的英语句子描写Daming一家.


Member     Job   Work place

Daming    Student In a middle school

Father    Doctor   In the hospital

Mother  Hotel manager     In a hotel









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