



听  力  部  分 (15%)

一、选出你所听到的字母或数字,并将其编号写在题前的括号内。 ( 5%)

(    )1. A. H                  B. M                 C.S

(    )2. A. p                  B. q                  C. b

(    )3. A. C D                B. C G               C. G P

(    )4. A. 3                  B. 4                  C. 5

(    )5. A. 11                 B. 12                 C. 13

二、选出你听到的单词, 并将其编号写在题前的括号内。 ( 5%)

(    )6.A. bag                B. book              C. desk

(    )7. A. Da Ming           B. Mr Wang           C. Miss Li

(    )8. A. this                B. these              C. it’s

(    )9. A. ten                B. five               C. four

(    )10. A. ear               B. eye                C. arm

三、听句子,选择正确的应答句,并将其编号写在题前的括号内。( 5%)

(    )11. A. Good morning.    B. Good afternoon.       C. Goood bye.

(    )12. A. How are you?     B. I’m fine.             C. I’m Da Ming.

(    )13. A. It’s a pen.        B. It’s my pen.           C. It’s a chair.

(    )14. A. It’s a mouth.      B. It’s an ear            C. They’re eyes

(    )15. A. Hello, Jim!       B. How are you?         C. Thanks.

笔 试 部 分(85%)

三、按顺序正确书写26个字母大小写。(5 %)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

四、请写出五个元音字母的大小写。( 5 %)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


1. ____ F f ____     2. ____ B b ____     3. ____ I i_¬___    4. ____ K k ____

5. ____X x ____     6. ____V v ____     7. ____Qq ____   8. ____S s _____


Aa _______    Kk   _______

Ee Bb  _______ Dd  _______ Pp _______  ________

Ii _______


Uu Qq   _______

Ff  ______  Mm ______  Ss  _______  _______


1. are, old, Betty, how, you

2. please, Lucy, down, sit

3. fine, I’m, too

4. chairs, there, many,

are, how

5. is, friend, girl, Lingling, my, this

八、选择填空。 ( 20%)

(    ) 1. --- Good afternoon, Jack.     --- ________.

A. Good morning, Emma              B. Good evening, Kate

C. Good afternoon, Victor              D. Nice to meet you.

(    ) 2. ---Hello!                  --- ________.

A. Hello!         B. Goodbye!        C. How are you?     D. Thank you very much.

(    ) 3. --- Good morning, Peter. How are you?   --- ________

A. Good morning  B. Good evening     C. Nice to meet you    D. Fine, thank you

(    ) 4. --- Goodbye!               --- ________.

A. Good afternoon.  B. My name is Mike  C. And you?         D. Bye!

(    ) 5. --- Excuse me, are you Tinna?         --- ________.

A. No, I am.        B. I’m not         C. Yes, I am         D. Yes, I’m not.

(    ) 6. --- ________ .               --- My name is Mike.

A. How are you?    B. What’s your name? C. How old is he?    D. Where is he?

(    ) 7. My name ________ Jim Green.

A. be              B. is              C. are              D. am

(    ) 8. --- Dale, _____is Jack.          ----Hello, Jack. Nice to meet you.

A. this             B. it               C. he              D. she

(    ) 9. --- ________ name is Alice. What’s _________ name?

A. I; your           B. My;  you      C. My;  your     D. I; you

(    ) 10. ---_________ ?         --- It’s a book.

A. Where’s it       B. How is it         C. How old is it        D. What’s that

(    ) 11. ---How old is Mary?               --- ________.

A. She’s very well.   B. She’s young.      C. She’s fifteen        D. She’s fifteenth.

(    ) 12.. ---It’s time ________ now. Goodbye, Tony.   ---Bye. See you tomorrow.

A. go to            B. to go      C.  go       D. too, go

(    ) 13. There ________ a desk, two chairs and some books in the room.

A. are             B. is               C. aren’t              D. be

(    ) 14. ---What’s eleven and four?   ---It’s ________.

A. sixteen.     B. twelve.     C. seven        D. fifteen

(    ) 15. --- This is Tom.      --- ________.         ---- Nice to meet you, too.

A. Yes, he is Tom    B. Nice to meet you.  C. Is he Tom?         D. Thank you

(    ) 16. ________ is a teacher.

A. Li Miss         B. Miss Li           C. miss Li            D. Li miss

(    ) 17. --- what class are you in?           ---- I’m in ________.

A. Class Eight     B. Eight Class        C. class Eight         D. eight class

(    ) 18. --- _________?    ---seven one five, nine two six.

A.How old are you                  B. What’s your telephone number

C. How many desks are there          D. How are you

(    ) 19. How many ________ are there?

A. chair           B. book             C. classroom          D. maps

(    ) 20. --- How are you ?     --- ________ .

A. Fine, thank.     B. Fine, thank you.    C . Fine, thanks you.    D. I’m fourteen.

九、单词拼写。( 每空一词 )(8%)


1) Class, please s _____________ up.

2) What’s y _____________ name?

3) Good a____________, Daming.

4) I’m e_____________ years old

5) I’m a new _____________ (学生) at this school.

6) How many _____________ (椅子) are there?

7) _____________ (听) to the teacher in class, Tom.

8) Don’t _____________ (画) pictureson your book..

十、用am, is, are 填空。(3%)

1. What __________ his name?

2. __________ you a teacher?

3. There __________ six boys and a girl over there.

4. I __________ in Class Ten.

5. She __________ a student.

6. There __________ a book and two pencils on the desk.

十一 、完形填空。(每小题1分)(10%)

A: __1__, Miss Jones.

B: Good morning. __2__ your name, please?

A: __3__ name is Joe.

B: __4__ are you, Joe?

A: I’m fine. __5__ is my friend. __6__ name is Jack.

B: Hello, Jack.

C: Hello, Miss Jones.

A: How do you do?

B: __7__?

A: Nice to meet you.

B: __8__.

A: Please __9__ down.

B: __10__ you.

(    ) 1. A. Hello        B. Good morning    C. Good afternoon.    D. Hi

(    ) 2. A. What        B. How            C. What’s           D. How’s

(    ) 3. A. My         B. Your             C. His              D. Her

(    ) 4. A. How         B. What            C. Who             D. What colour

(    ) 5. A. It            B. She             C. they              D. This

(    ) 6. A. He’s         B. His              C. Her              D. She’s

(    ) 7. A. How are you   B. How old are you?  C. What’s this?       D. How do you do

(    ) 8. A. OK          B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Fine, thank you.  D. It’s a bag.

(    ) 9. A. sit           B. stand            C.  listen            D. sing

(    ) 10. A. See         B. Thanks          C. Thank             D. say

十二、阅读理解。根据对话内容,判断正( T ) 和误 ( F )。(10%)


A: Hello! Li Ming!

B: Hello! Amy!

A: This is Ms Grace, my English teacher.

B: Nice to meet you, Ms Grace.

C: Nice to meet you, too.

B: Could you give me an English name, please.

C: OK! It’s David.

B: Thank you!

A: What’s your English name?

B: David.

A&B: We are good friends.

(    ) 1. Amy is a name for a boy.

(    ) 2. Ms Grace is an English teacher.

(    ) 3. David is a Chinese(中国的)name.

(    ) 4. Amy and David are good friends.

(    ) 5. Amy is a teacher, too.


Cindy: Good afternoon, Eric!

Eric: Afternoon, Cindy! How are you?

Cindy: Fine, thanks. How are you?

Eric: I’m fine, too. Oh, what’s this in your left hand(左手)?

Cindy: It’s a pen.

Eric: what’s this in your right hand(右手)?

Cindy: It’s a hat.

Eric: H-A-T, hat, right (对吗)?

Cindy: Yes.

(    ) 1. It’s__________ now.

A. evening           B. morning         C. afternoon

(    ) 2. Eric is________.

A. not free           B. OK             C. not OK

(    ) 3. _________ is in Eric’s left hand.

A. A pen             B. A bike          C. A fan

(    ) 4. ________ is in Eric’s right hand.

A. A dog             B. A pen           C. A hat

(    ) 5.  _________ can spell “hat”.

A. Eric              B. Cindy           C. Eric and Cindy





Daming: Good morning.

David :Good morning.

Daming:_________________________________  __

David: ______________________________________           _____







Daming: ______________________________________________________________________.





David:_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________.







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