



词汇:1. my pron. 我的  形容词性物主代词还有his,her,your

2.由name构成的短语first name 名字 last name 姓氏 family name 姓氏

3.“电话号码”的表达方式:  telephone number   phone number

4. 本单元出现的缩写有: I’m = I am  what’s = what is   it’s =it is

5. answer n. 回答;答案(也可做动词“回答”,如answer the questions)

句式:1. What +be 动词+your(his/her) name?  What’s your name?

What’s his name? What’s her name?

2. 自我介绍时常用语: My name’s Jenny.   I’m Gina.

3.表达第一次和某人见面的高兴之情:  Nice to meet you!

4. 询问别人的电话号码:  What’s your telephone number?

5. 询问别人的姓氏常用语: What’s her family name?

Unit 2

词汇:1. pencil case 文具盒    pencil sharpener 铅笔刀  pen钢笔 eraser橡皮擦 ruler尺子  backpack 双肩背包  dictionary 字典2.指示代词:this 这个   that 那个3. in English 用英语  4. ID card 身份证

5. computer game 电子游戏6. lost and found 失物招领 7. excuse me 打扰了8. call sb. 给某人打电话  9. a set of 一套;一副

句式:1. 询问某物品是否属于某人的问句及答语

—Is this/that your pencil?

—Yes, it is. It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t. It’s his pencil.

2. 询问某物用英语怎么说  What’s this in English?

3. How do you spell sth.?   How do you spell it?

4. What’s +sth?询问某物是什么  —What’s this?   —It’s a watch.

5. Call at sb. at +电话号码.       Call Alan at 495-3539.


1) What’s this? It’s      V.

A. a    B.an    C.the    D.

2) Good night.

A. Good evening.  B.See you.  C.All right.

3) ----------  a lot .

A. Thank  B.Thanks   C.Thanks you   D.Thanks for

4) How is your father?  He is -------.A good  B.nice C.OK

5)What’s his     (one) name?  I don’t know. But I know his last name.

6)Is this ------eraser? No.It’s -------.

A. his his   B. his hers C. her hers

7)Is that her pencil?  Yes,------is.

A. it    B. that   C.She

8)------- you spell it?  Yes.P-E-N pen.

A. How  B.Can  C.

9)Please call our school ------4516324.

A. with  B.  C.at  D.on

10)Is that your car in the ----(lose) and ----(find) case?

11)Tell me the key ------the question.

A. to    B. of    C.about

12)There -----(be) a set of -----(key) on the table.

13)This kind of books ------(sell) well.We like it.

14)Could you please help me with my English?        .

A. With pleasure. B.That’s very nice of you.C.It’s my pleasure.




初一英语寒假作业:Make A Study Plan


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