





Chinese语文   P.E.体育art美术  science科学 music音乐   math数学

history历史   biology生物  physics物理   chemistry化学


favorite city最喜欢的城市favorite food最喜欢的食物favorite color最喜欢的颜色favorite TV show最喜欢的电视秀favorite sport最喜欢的运动favorite subject最喜欢的科目

3.on Monday在星期一

4.“have+学科名词”表示“上……课” have math上数学课  have science上科学课

5.my music teacher我的音乐老师       6.my last class我的最后一节课

7.be tired是疲劳的(相当于feel tired) 8.after lunch午饭后 after class下课后9.play + 球类名词10. play with sth.和某物玩耍 play with my dog和我的狗一起玩耍句式1.询问某人最喜欢的物品的句型

—What’s your favorite subject?

—My favorite subject is science

2.询问原因的句型及答语 —Why do you like P.E.?

—Because it’s fun.


—Who is your science teacher?—My science teacher is Mr Wang.

4.主系表结构——sb.+be动词+形容词I’m really busy!

5. 主系表结构——sth.+be动词+形容词

It’s difficult,but interesting.Music is relaxing.

6.and连接的并列句Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tired after.


1.She ________(play)_______(aanthe\) chess every day.

2.I _________(speaktalktellask)English and watch TV with them.

3.Can you _________(play)________(theaan\)guitar? Yes,___________

4.Can she ______(play)______(theaan\)soccer with _________(he)?

5.Can she play soccer ________? Yes.She is a ________soccer player. A.well  B.good  C.nice  D.fine

6. She is good ___kids.She is good _____teaching.Staying with kids ______(be) good _______her ______(health).

A.with  B.at  C.for  D.to

7. Can you help him _________English ? A. with  B.at  C.for

She ________(play)_______(aanthe\) chess every day.

8.I _________(speaktalktellask)English and watch TV with them.

9.Can you _________(play)________(theaan\)guitar? Yes,___________

10.   Can she __________(play)________(theaan\)soccer with _________(he)?

11.Can she play soccer ________? Yes.She is a ________soccer player. A.well  B.good  C.nice  D.fine

12.She is good ______kids.She is good _______teaching.Staying with kids ______(

13. Can she help him __________(do)___________(one’s) homework.?

14. Can we help them with __________(swim)?

15. Can you sing ________dance?  A.or  B.and  C.as

16.   I can __________ Chinese kung fu.  A.do  B make  C.play

17.   She is a famous _____(music).She ______(listen)to ____(theaan\) music.There ____(be) pieces of music on the radio.

18. She gets up ________7 c’clock.

19. It’s time  _______(fortowith) him_________(take) a shower.

20.I had a hard time __________(study) English.

21.He gets up at__________(abouaroundonly)5 o’clock,and t________he has breakfast.

22. Li Lei,please __________(give)my__________(good)_______(wish) to both of your ______(parent).

23. He is _________(interest) in science.He like the subject.Because it’s_________(interest).

24. After_______(aan\)class we usually play volleyball __________(foratinon)two hours.

25. I _________(not) like ________(anysomefew)subject.I like_________(play)with my dog.

26.My dog’s job is __________(run) around with me.

27. I often play ________basketball with my classmates.The baby likes playing_________the basketball.   A.with  B.  C.and  D. the

28.I have no time to watch TV.I am busy_________(withinon)my English.My father is busy __________(cook) for me.

29.Lucy and Lily are twins._____________bags are big._______________parents are both busy.

A.Lucy and Lily’s    B. Lucy’s and Lily’s

C. Lucy’s and Lily   D.Lucy and Lily

30. ------Do you know __________?

------Yes.She had his twelfth birthday yesterday.

A. how old she is   B.when did he have his birthday

C.how many birthdays she had






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