初一英语上册辅导练习:Lesson 3 Welcome to our school



 学习是一个不断深入的过程,他需要我们对每天学习的新知识点及时整理,接下来由威廉希尔app 为大提供了初一英语上册辅导练习,望大家好好阅读。


(    )1. -_______woman is David's mother?

- The one in the red coat.

A. What        B. Which       C. Who       D. Where

(    )2. I know_______ and her sister. _______ are my friends.

A she; They                    B. her; Them

C. her; They                    D. she; Them

(    ) 3. The football match is really _______ and everyone is very ________.

A. exciting; excited             B. exciting; exciting

C. excited; exciting             D. excited; excited

(    )4. - Would you like _______ orange juice?

-_______. I'm not thirsty.

A. some; No, thanks            B. some; Yes, please

C. any; No, thanks             D. any; Yes, please

(    )5. (2012 .温州)Peter is my best friend.  He often helps________ with Science,

A. me        B. you         C. him         D. her

(    )6. The books are on the desk. Can you see _______?

A it          B. they         C. them        D. their

(    )7. - Are the rulers _______?

- Yes, they're _______.

A. your; our                  B. yours; my

C. your; my                  D. yours; mine

(    )8. Look, the films(胶卷)are on the ground. Can you _______ for me?

A. pick them up             B. pick up them

C. pick it up                D. pick up it

(    )9. Miss Gao is_______ teacher. She teaches _______ Chinese.

A our; our      B. our; us       C. us; our       D. my; our

(    )10. Kobe is my favourite basketball player. I really like

A. he          B. him         C. his          D. her

(    )11. - Excuse me, is this _______ new camera?

- Yes, it's _______.

A. your; my                   B. your; mine

C. yours; my                  D. yours; mine

(    )12. (2012.绵阳) Everyone in the hall knew me,  but I did not know _______.

A. him         B. her         C. them         D. those

(    )13. (2012.咸宁)- Jim, can you_______ this word in Chinese?

- Yes, I can_______ a little Chinese.

A speak; say                B. say; speak

C. tell; speak                D. talk; say

(    )14. -_______ do you go to school every day?

- I walk to school every day.

A. How       B. When       C. What         D. Why

(    )15. This is Amy. _______ has short hair and _______ are good friends.

A. She; we     B. Her; our     C. Her; us       D. She; us

威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家推荐的初一英语上册辅导练习,大家仔细阅读了吗?更多知识点总结尽在威廉希尔app 初中频道。


初中初一英语Having fun练习题辅导 



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