初一英语上册辅导资料之《Looking different》知识点



friendly: adj. 友好的

通常以ly结尾的词是副词,但friendly, lovely, lonely, lively及friendly是形容词。

“对某人友好”用be friendly to sb. = be good/ nice to sb.

make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友

The owner of the shop is very friendly to us.

区别:be good/bad for sb. 对某人有好处/坏处


19. be far away from 离……远 how far 多远 how long 多久(回答:for+一段时间) how soon还要多久(in+ 一段时间/ after+ 时间点) how often多久一次(once, twice, three times…) how old多大 how many/ much多少(many+可数,much +不可数),此外,how much也可提问“多少钱”

20. When you a conversation, you listen to强调动作“听”; hear强调结果“听到”

类似:look at”看”(静止的画面);read“阅读”,看(书);watch “看”(运动的画面,如电视,比赛);see 强调结果“看到”

look for寻找 find找到

need to do sth.需要做某事

pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事, 此处“to”为介词,后面跟v-ing,类似look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事 。 大部份情况下,to不定式,后面接动词原形。

拓展:hear from—receive (get) a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信

I often hear from my mother. = I often get a letter from my mother.

hear的过去式是heard; hear 强调听的结果;listen to 强调听的动作;

hear of 听说 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做过某事

hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事

21. You should then

should 应该 listen carefully: v+adv. be careful: be+adj.

then: 那么;然后 for: 表目的 如:look for 寻找 ask for要求,索要

buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. leave for 前往

22. I got an email from Bruce.

a boy called = a boy named = a boy with the name 一个名叫……的男孩

23. reply—answer someone by saying or writing something v. 回复、回答


answer the question = reply to the question

拓展:the answer to ……的答案 answer the phone接电话

He didn?t reply to my letter.

24. many English football teams

There be(is/are)句型,常用来表示“某时或某地有某物”,谓语动词就近一致;如果表示某人有某物,则用have(三单:has)。

There is a pen and two books on the deak.

There are two desks and a book on the desk.

拓展:My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle.

own:v. 拥有 owner: n. 拥有者,主人

He owns a house. = He is the owner of a house.= He has a house. = The house belongs to him. own = have / has = belong to (记得要把原句的主语和宾语位置颠倒)

There is a tall tree in front of the building.

25. 注意区分:which与what

Which color does she like, red or yellow?

What color does she like? which通常是在一个给定的范围内进行选择,“哪 一个”

而what则是笼统地提问“什么”,也与其它名词连用提问,如what color, what time等。

26. Some students are their dreams.

talk about 谈论 talk to sb对某人说话 talk with sb. 与某人交谈

此外,talk也可做名词: give a talk about 做一个关于……的演讲

27. I want to be= My dream is 我的梦想是成为……

to be 成为

28. Ibe your e-friend. 我想成为你的网友。

?d like to do sth. = would like to do sth. = want to do sth. = feel like doing sth 想要做某事 事



七年级英语上册辅导资料:Module2 My family  

初一上学期英语辅导练习:Module1 My classmates 


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