七年级上学期英语辅导练习之《My family》



为了帮助大家在考试前,巩固知识点,对所学的知识更好的掌握,威廉希尔app 为大家编辑了七年级上学期英语辅导练习,希望对大家有用。

姨母,伯母,舅母,姑母___________兄弟__________堂兄弟,表兄弟,堂姐妹,表姐妹__________ 女儿__________家,家庭____________祖母_________(外)祖父母________母亲,父亲________ 姐妹___________叔叔,伯伯___________左边,左侧___________右边,右侧____________

在……的旁边_________丈夫___________前面,正面__________照片___________站,车站___________ 医院__________饭店,宾馆___________警察___________剧院____________演员__________ 司机_____________经理_____________护士___________男警察_____________女警察_____________ 工作__________相同的,同一的__________医生__________农场________工人_________商店_______

一 根据句意及汉语意思完成单词。

1 My friend Betty is from ________________(美国).2. London is the _____________(首都) of England.

3. There is a new _______________(宾馆) in my school.

4. My father is ______________(紧挨着) to my mother.

5 How many ________________(警察) are there at the police station?

6. Are these students in the _____________(相同的) class?

7. _____________(他们的) mother is a nurse at a hospital.

8. The man is my uncle. He is my aunt’s ________________(丈夫).

9 His father is a bus ___________________(司机).10. Are these your _______________(表弟)?

11.Tony has a big ________________(家庭).12. Where is the f_______________ (农场)?

13. The w___________________ (妇女) behind her is my mother.

14. My sister is in the h_________________ (医院). 15. That t_________________ (剧院) is very big.

16. Lucy! This is my 爷爷).17.Are they your (祖父母)?

18.Paul is English and he is from ______________(英国).

19. Lily’s mother is a _______________(护士). She works in a hospital .

3. — What’s your mother’s job?— She is a _________________(医生). She works (工作) in a hospital.

二 短语翻译

1我的家庭______________2,在前面__________________3.紧挨着_______________ 4在左边 ______________5在右边_________________ 6 托尼的父亲______________

7一名宾馆经理_____________ 8在相同的医院_____________ 9公共汽车站________________ 10一名公交车司机____________ 11一名农场工人_____________ 12 一个大家庭_________________ 13警察局_________________ 14.他的祖父母______________ 15 你母亲的工作___________________

三 用be动词的适当形式填空

1.I ______ an English teacher now.2. They _______ glad to see each other . 3. Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.4. The little dog _________ two years old this year.

5. Look, there ________ lots of grapes here. 6. There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级上学期英语辅导练习,大家仔细阅读了吗?希望大家在考试中都能取得满意的成绩。


初一英语上册辅导练习题:Unit 2 Let"s play sports!  

七年级英语上学期辅导资料:What does he look like? 


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