七年级英语上学期辅导资料:What does he look like?





1. Li Ming has short s__________ hair.

2. My brother isn't tall or short. He is of m ____________ height.

3. Let's go to the c_____________ to see the movies.

4. He can't see clearly, so he always wears ______________  (眼镜).

5. What are you going to do ______________  (今晚)?

6. --- Who is your favorite a________________?--- Lee.

7. --- Is he heavy?   --- No, he isn't. He is of medium b_______________

8. --- What does Lin Dan look like?  --- He is very_______________ (英俊的).

9. The little girl has a round f________ .

10. The doctor says, "Please open your m _________."

11. Elephants have long n_________ .

12. The cakes are delicious. Could I have a__________ one?

13. BiBi Chou is a pop_________ (sing). Young people like her very much.

14. Qi Baishi is a great Chinese ____________(art). He is well-known in the world.

15. The real story is ______________(real) funny. It makes me happy.

16. These children draw their houses_______________ (different), but they are nice.

17. I hope the young_____________ (crime) can be a good man with the help of the police.


18. 凯西留着一头漂亮的黑色卷发。Kate has beautiful______  ________ hair.

19. 你的朋友是瘦还是胖?  _______your friend thin_____ heavy?

20. 那个又瘦又矮的男孩是我的弟弟。That boy ______________ is my brother.

21. 这个箱子有点儿重。我搬不动。The box is___  _____ ___________. I can't carry it.

22. 马琳长得像她妈妈。Ma Lin ______ ________ her mother.

23. 托尼中等身高,戴着眼镜。Tony is_____ __________ _______ ______ glasses.

24. 张一山长得确实很英俊。Zhang Yishan is ____________ _____________

25. 我最好的朋友留着长的黑色直发。

My best friend has________  ________ ________  hair.

26. 你认识手里拿书的那个人吗?

Do you know the__________ _______ a book in his hand?

27. 学生们可能在操场上。The students ______ _____ on the playground.

28. 许多人看待事情的方式并不总是相同,因此他们对同一个人的描述可能不同。

Many people don't always see things_____ ______ way , so they may _______the same person__________ .

29. 最后,真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖、年纪很大的人,他留着短而黑的头发!

______ ____ _____, the real criminal is a _________ _______ ______ man.

30. 请描述你爸爸的样子。Please describe what your father_________ __________ .

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