


这篇关于新初中七年级英语辅导试题,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


36. These are our   ▲  (邻居) hats . I should take care of them.

37. Boys like to play o  ▲  .

38. I am very   ▲  (惊讶) to know the news.

39. The old lady doesn’t like too much noise,likes staying a  ▲  .


40. My father put his bag beside the door and then   ▲  (go ) shopping .

41.   ▲   your friend Peter a policeman three years ago?

42. —Will you go on a trip during the holiday ?

—Yes,but I am    ▲  (wonder) where to go for a trip .

43. Is it dangerous   ▲  (swim )here.

44. He   ▲  (not fail )in the math test .So he is very happy .

45. we all live in a city   ▲  (call ) Jurong .


Hiking(远足) is a kind of long walk. P  46   of people like to go hiking at weekends or in their holidays. Some like it because they like to go n  47   the nature(自然) , they can enjoy the fresh air, They want t  48   see the trees ,the animals in the nature. O  49   love it because they think hiking is g  50    for them. it can help them keep h  51  . And hiking doesn’t c  52   people much money. A  good p  53   of boots and some comfortable clothes are enough. What’s more(而且), people can go hiking in spring, s  54  , autumn or winter. Now we know that hiking is so h  55  , so let’s go hiking this Sunday!


The re are different outdoor activities for different seasons. In spring we ca fly kites .In summer, we can go swimming or sailing. In autumn, It is a good idea to camp or hike. In winter, we can go to ski or skate they bring us a lot of fun .they make us strong and fit, too. So it is important for people of all ages to take part in some out door activities at the right time.

There are many group activities ,like football and basketball .The members work together for the same goal(目标). So group activities need team s pirit(团队精神). It is very useful for a person to have team spirit. It is good for us in life and work.

Old people like walking and jogging .These outdoor activities don’t need much strength(气力). young people like exciting activities like diving(潜水), skiing and horse riding. Children like fun activities like flying kites .Some outdoor activities are dangerous, like climbing rocks. So we must be careful when we take part in them .

Title :outdoor    56

Activities in different    57    Spring is a good season for   58   kites .In summer ,we can sail or 59 .In autumn ,we can go    60    or hiking .In winter,it is a good idea to go skiing or   61    .

62     activities  football and basketball can help build team spirit

Activities for     63     people  Old people can walk and jog. young people can dive ,ski and

64    horse .Children can fly kites .

65      activities  Not all outdoor activities are safe .we must be careful with some outdoor activities like climbing rocks.

聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑以备借鉴。


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