


这篇关于苏教版2014初一年级英语辅导试题,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

Dear Diary,

I am an eleven-year-old boy.I am in Class 3,Grade 7.I like math very much. I went to the bookshop to buy a math book this afternoon. It was raining on my way to the bookshop. So I stopped.I ran to my school. My classmates were there,too. I was very happy. I saw my watch. It was a quarter past three. I wanted to play games. I played ping-pong with my classmates in school’s ping-pong room. At half past four,the rain stopped. I went to the bookshop.

Zhang Xin

(   )36.Zhang Xin wanted to buy_____book.

A.a Chinese          B.a math          C.an English        D.a story

(   )37.What was the weather like?

A.It was sunny.       B.It was windy.      C.It was snowy.     D.It was rainy.

(   )38.Zhang Xin went to_____because it rained.

A.the post office       B.his school        C.his home       D.the shop

(   )39.It was_____when Zhang Xin got to the school.

A.a quarter to three  B.a quarter past three  C.half past three  D.twenty past three

(   )40.Zhang Xin played_____with his classmates.

A.chess  B.football    C.basketball    D.ping-pong


Robert went to visit his friends in Paris last weekend.His friends met him at the airport on Friday afternoon and drove him to the hotel.They ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant and went to see a film after that.

Robert and his friends set out early on Saturday morning for a farm and stayed there until Sunday morning.During their stay,they played football in the field and enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire(火),singing and dancing till late into the night.

Nobody could get up early on Sunday morning.So when they got back to Paris,it was about three o'clock in the afternoon.They drove quickly to the airport because Robert didn't want to miss his plane back home.Robert only stayed in Paris for two nights but he had a great time with his friends.

(   )41.Where did Robert go last weekend?

A.New York.  B.London.  C.Paris.  D.Beijing.

(   )42.What did Robert and his friends do after dinner on Friday?

A.They went for a drive.    B.They played football.

C.They went back to hotel.  D.They saw a film.

(   )43.What didn't they do on the farm?

A.They sang and danced.   B.They played football.

C.They rode bikes.       D.They enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire.

(   )44.What time did they get back to Paris?

A.About 5:00 a.m.     B.About 5:00 p.m.

C.About 3:00 a.m.     D.About 3:00 p.m.

(   )45.How long did Robert stay in Paris?

A.two nights.     B.Four days.     C.One day.     D.Two days.


How did they spend their vacation?

Alan I went to Singapore for my vacation.I lived with my uncle's family.They live in Singapore.It was sunny most days.I visited many places and ate many kinds of food.They were nice.

Betty I spent my vacation in Bali(巴厘岛).I had a great time there.The beaches were beautiful and the weather was OK.I had lots of delicious food.People there were friendly.

Ben I didn't enjoy my vacation.The bus trip was boring.After I arrived in the city,it rained almost(几乎) every day,so I stayed at the hotel for six days.On the last day,I went shopping.But the shops were crowded and things were expensive

(   )46.When Alan visited Singapore,he lived in ________.

A.a hotel   B.many places   C.his uncle's house

(   )47.“It was sunny most days.”means(意思是)“________”.

A.Sometimes it was sunny  B.Sometimes it rained  C.It was sunny every day

(   )48.In Betty's eyes,Bali was ________.

A.great        B.not good or bad     C.awful

(   )49.Perhaps(也许) Ben stayed in the city for ________ days.

A.six          B.seven            C.eight

(   )50.Ben thought his vacation was ________.

A.relaxing      B.expensive         C.Terrible


Lisa: Hi, what’s going on?

Peter: Hey, I’m just thinking about our school trip last week.

Lisa: It was a nice trip. We enjoyed it a lot. I hope we can go on a similar (类似的) trip next year.

Peter: I also hope so. It was so great. We visited so many places. Which place did you like best?

Lisa: The Science Museum, I have to say. It was excellent. There was so much to learn  about. What about you?

Peter: I liked the beach best.

Lisa: Yeah, the beach was really great. It was so relaxing to play on the beach.

Peter: If someone asks me which place I would like to visit again, I will say it’s the beach.

Lisa: We can go there together. Now let’s walk fast. We are getting late for school.


51. When did Lisa and Peter go on their school trip?


52. What did Lisa think of the Science Museum?


53. Which place did Peter like best?


54. Did Lisa like to play on the beach?


55. Where are Lisa and Peter going?


四、写作技能 (30’)



W: Hi, Bob!

M:Hi,Nancy! (56) __________________________________________________?

W: My weekend was great.

M:(57) ___________________________________________________________?

W: I went to Xi’an.

M:(58) __________________________________________________________ ?

W: I took a bus there. And what did you do?

M:(59) ___________________________________________________________.

W: Why did you clean your house?

M: I had a birthday party. So my house was very dirty.


M: Yes, I had a good time. But I was tired after the party.

威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中的相关内容,希望能助考生一臂之力。


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