


同学们,威廉希尔app 为您整理了最新人教版初中七年级英语辅导,希望帮助您提供多想法。

一. 单项选择 (15分)

(   )  1. My uncle is learning      new language on      Internet.

A. a; an          B. a; the   C. the; an       D. the; /

(   )  2. — How much is the camera?

— Two      yuan.

A. thousand       B. thousands       C. thousand of  D. thousands of

(   )  3. There      some milk in the glass.

A. has           B. have         C. is         D. are

(   )  4. I      computer games on weekends, but now I like playing chess.

A. use to         B. used to          C. use to play    D. used to play

(   )  5. The food in that restaurant looks delicious, but it      bad.

A. makes         B. tastes        C. feels       D. sounds

(   )  6. — Do you have a dictionary? I want to      some new words in it.

— Yes. Here you are.

A. look out       B. look after       C. look up     D. look over

(   )  7. Now more and more people like drinking tea. Tea culture is becoming

all over the world.

A. easy         B. popular       C. exciting     D. difficult

(   )  8. I noticed Simon      under a tree and reading a book.

A. standing B. stands    C. to stand  D. stand

(   )  9. You will lose the game      you give up now.

A. if           B. before           C. so           D. but

(   )10. —      weather it is today! Let’s go boating.

— Good idea!

A. How a fine   B. How fine      C. What a fine   D. What fine

(   )11. We      trees next weekend. Would you like to join us?

A. plant      B. are planting      C. planted     D. are going to plant

(   )12. David thinks math is      and fun. It can help him a lot in his daily life.

A. useful         B. boring        C. different      D. terrible

(   )13. — Which team did you play      yesterday?

— The Lions. And they won the  game at last.

A. to           B. at           C. on          D. againstxkb1.com

(   )14.     , Bill was last to arrive. There was nothing strange about it.

A. For example   B. Right now        C. As usual      D. No problem

(   )15. — When did you come to Germany?

—     .

A. In two years

B. Two years ago

C. Two years later

D. For two years

二. 完形填空(10分)

Dear Diary,

How are you? How was your   16  ? I had a happy weekend. I   17   a mobile phone museum and learned a lot about mobile phones. Do you know about smart mobile phones (智能手机)? Now they are very popular   18   lots of people are using them.

My brother is a university student. He made some money by doing part-time (兼职的) jobs   19   his holidays. Last week, he   20   a smart mobile phone. It was over 3 000 yuan. I think it was a little   21  . My brother can do  many things on it. He can play games,   22   music and watch movies on it. He can   23   and write e-mails on it. And he can also study and work on it. It is really a small   24  ! I think it is cool. I wish to buy   25  , too!

Do you have a smart mobile phone? What do you think of it? Please write to me soon.


Li Hua

(   )16. A. English   B. weekend

C. father   D. school

(   )17. A. visited   B. reached

C. organized  D. saw

(   )18. A. only   B. or

C. because  D. but

(   )19. A. behind   B. after

C. before   D. during

(   )20. A. lost   B. bought

C. won   D. found

(   )21. A. main   B. awful

C. expensive  D. natural

(   )22. A. improve  B. invent

C. join   D. listen to

(   )23. A. read books  B. go swimming

C. stay healthy  D. wake up

(   )24. A. library   B. school

C. computer  D. book

(   )25. A. it    B. one

C. that   D. other

威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中的相关内容,希望能助考生一臂之力。


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