中考重点语法提要 There be 的句子结构



-Is there a dog in the picture?画上有一只狗吗

-Yes, there is. 有。

-Are there any boats in the river?河里有船吗

-No, there aren't. 没有。

(3)特殊疑问句:How many . . . are there (+地点状语)

某地有多少人或物回答用There be . . .

There's one. / There are two / three / some . . .

有时直接就用数字来回答。One. / Two . . .

-How many students are there in the classroom?教室里有多少学生

-There's only one. / There are nine. 只有一个。/有九个。

(4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语

How much water is there in the cup?杯中有多少水

How much food is there in the bowl?碗里有多少食物      

更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率  > 初一 > 英语 > 初一英语辅导


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