


以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的初一英语寒假作业全部答案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。




1 fruit 2 healthy 3 breakfast 4 broccoli 5 list

6 interesting 7Many 8 racket 9 difficult 10 They’re

11 where’s 12 under 13 take 14 table 15 friends

16 cousin 17 Thanks 18 parents

19 aunt 20 spell 21 call 22 of 23 Excuse 24 pencil 25 boy

26 meet 27 card 28 first 29 number 30 last

31 qestion 32 seven 33 this 34 lost 35 kids

36 watch 37 father 38 uncle 39 photo 40 helps

41 grandparents 42 sister 43 Plaese 44.bookcase 45 math

46 bring 47picrures 48 know 49computer 50 floor

51 sports 52 basketball 53 boring 54 sounds 55 other

56 chicken 57 dessert 58 vegetables 59 people


1.afford 2.help 3.sale 4.small 5.first 6.birthday 7.ninth 8.Festival 9.trip 10.favorite 11.movies 12.scary 13.musicans 14.address 15.join 16.piano 17.usually 18.shower 19.brush 20.night 21.teacher 22.cities 23.Thursday 24.busy 25.months 26.February 27.speech 28.Happy 29.Opera 30.learn 31.exciting 32.know 33.starts 34.funny 35.listen 36.breakfast 37.tell 38.Thank 39.clothes 40.dollars 41.tenth 42.shower 43.time 44.home 45.night 46.bus 47.around/about 48.homework 49.know 50.evening 51.Thanks 52.subject 53.Because 54.cities 55.word 56.science 57.Wednesday 58.tired 59.Tuesday 60.busy 61.some 62.guitar 63.join 64.chess 65.violin 66.trumpet /piano 67.swimming 68.want 69.interesting 70.and 71.kind 72.find 73January 74.second 75.March 76.April 77.fifth 78.June 79.seventh 80.August 81.September 82.October 83.eleventh 84.December 85.January 86.old 87.party 88.birthday


1----5 CACCA 6-----10 BDBBA 11---15 CBCCB

16---20 BABBB 21---25 ACBAC 26---30 ACBDA

31-----35 CACDB 36----40 CDBBD


1. What’s your name? 2. Hello. 3. Nice to meet you.

4. telephone/phone number 5. Excuse me, 6. Yes, 7.my 8.Where’s

9. on the sofa 10. Where’re 11. under the chair

B.1. Where 2. backpack 3. it 4. Yes, 5. about my

6. they 7. on 8. table 9. Thank

C.1. Can 2. How much 3. Here 4. Is 5. all 6. have 7. How 8. much 9. Here’s

D.1. Can I help you? 2. join 3. your name 4. How old 5. Thank

E. 1. no 2. for 3. going 4. Where 5. teach 6. morning 7. make 8. about

9. have 10. See

F. 1. this 2. Yes 3. mother 4. No 5. is

6. father 7. you 8. Look9.you10.it’s

G.1. history 2. fun 3. Friday 4. really(very )

H. 1.movie 2. sounds 3. kind 4. because 5. scary

6.about 7. boring 8. action 9. interesting 10. lot

I. 1.clubs 2. join 3. chess 4. music 5. dance 6. Me 7.Let’s

J. 1. That sounds good(great)。

2.No, I don’t .

3. soccer

4. That sounds boring.

5. Yes, I do.


1. What is 2.What color

3.What is your 4.What’s his first

5.No, isn’t 6.is not

7. These are 8. a photo of

9.M y sister is 10.Are they your

11.Where’s your 12.They’re friends

13.It watch 14.is on

15.they are 16.Do have

17.No I don’t 18.don’t have

19.They have balls 20.Where are

21.doesn’t like 22.Does have

23.These tomatoes 24.doesn’t like

25.Does watch 26.Sandra Clark doesn’t like meat but she likes fruits.

27.What do you have for breakfast. 28. How much are

29.How much does 30.Those bags are

31.What your 32.What can

33.goes to with me 34.What kind of does

35.Does want 36.can’t or

37.Can play 38.What club

39.doesn’t do 40.What time does brush

41.Does get 42.Where do

43.Why do 44.Sister’s favorite

45.doesn’t have 46. help me with

47.Sunday first 48.doesn’t like

49.Teachers’September 50.date birth

51.How old 52.What time is it

53.What subjects does 54.Who is your

55.Why does like 56.They have art

57.Can Gina play 58.What time does start


1.my 2.He 3.numbers 4.Grade 5.is 6.pencil-boxes 7.playing 8.to take 9.I 10.me 11.my 12.my 13.Are 14. My 15. is 16. Her 17. Your 18. am 19. first 20. his 21.Is 22.keys 29.They 30.watches 31. bringing 32.play 33.has 34.runner 35.eating 36.doesn’t have 37.brother’s 38.to buy 39.dollars 40.thirtieth 41.Does 42.Chinese 43.swimming 44.kids 45.show 46.teeth 47.telling 48.wishes 49.doing 50.teaches 51.words 52.twenty-first 53.sweaters 54.Does 55.Gina’s


( A) :1-5AGBCE 6-10 FHIJK

(B): 1-5 DBGFA 6-10 LEIHJ

(C) :1-5 DHABE 6-10 LIKFJ

(D): 1-5 LFABC 6-10 GDHKE

(E): 1-5IFBGE 6-10 LAJHC

(F) : 1-5 FAGHC 6-10 EIKBJ



1.first name 名字 2. last name/ family name 姓氏

3.phone number 电话号码 4. an ID card 一张身份证

5.pencil case 铅笔盒 6. pencil sharpener 铅笔刀

7.computer game 电脑游戏 8.play computer games玩电脑游戏

9.call sb.at 347-2365 给某人打347-2365

10. lost and found 失物招领

11.a set of keys 一串钥匙 12. in English 用英语

13.an eraser 一块铅笔擦 14.pen friend 笔友

15.thanks for 为…感谢 16. a photo of your family 你家人的照片

17.on the sofa 在沙发上 18. behind the door 在门后

19.next to the bookcase 在书柜旁边 20. in the drawer 在抽屉里

21.under the chair 在椅子下 22.on the floor 在地板

23.between the dresser and the bookcase 在梳妆台和书柜之间

24.an alarm clock 一只闹钟 25.video cassette 录象带

26.soccer ball 英式足球 27.math book 数学书

28.take sth to sb. 把…拿(去)给某人

29. bring sth. to sb. 把…带(来)给某人

30.play basketball 打篮球

31. play ping-pong /table tennis 打乒乓球

32.play volleyball 打排球 33.play soccer/football 踢足球

34.play baseball 打棒球 35. play tennis 打网球

36.tennis racket 网球拍 37.every day 每天

38.play/do sports做运动 39.watch TV 看电视

40.watch sth. on TV 在电视上观看 41. French fries 炸薯条

42.ice cream 冰淇淋 43. some tomatoes 几个西红柿

44.Some photos 一些/几张相片 45. lots of = a lot of 许多,大量

46.healthy food健康食品。 47.have/eat chicken 吃鸡肉

48.have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 49.have/eat lunch 吃午饭

50.have/eat dinner(supper) 吃晚饭


1.How are Fine thanks 2.Nice to meet you 3.What’s in English

4.How do you spell 5.What color is 6.What his telephone number

7.Excuse me Is this 8.call at 9.Thanks for of family 10.take to

11.Bring to 12.Let’s play 13.sounds 14.has collection

15.Running star eats lots of healthy 16.can help(What can do for)

17.take 18.Come see for yourself 19.have at price 20.have in

21.How much are 22.When is birthday September 9th

23.How old is sister twelve 24.Do want to go to movies

25.What kind of movies does like


1how much 多少钱 2 Here you are 给你

3you're welcome 不客气 4 have a look at 看一看…

5bag for sports运动包 6two dollars 两美元

7seven yuan 七元(人民币) 8what color 什么颜色

9a good price价格合适 10 come and see for yourself亲自来看看

11be on sale大廉销 ,大减价 12 birthday party 生日聚会

13date of birth (=birthday )生日 14speech contest 演讲比赛

15school trip郊游,校游 16school day 作息日,校日

17basketball game 篮球赛 18 Art Festival 艺术节

19how old 几岁 20fifteen years old 15岁

21go to a movie看电影 22what kind of 什么种类

23Beijing Opera 京剧 24 action movies 动作片

25movie star 电影明星 26on weekends 在周末

27Chinese history 中国历史 28favorite actor 最喜欢的演员

29interesting thing 有趣的东西 30rock band 摇滚乐队

31kung fu 功夫 32English club 英语俱乐部

33play chess 下棋 34 speak English 说英语

35play the guitar弹吉他

36play the drums 打鼓 37play the trumpet 吹喇叭

38play the violin 拉小提琴 39 go to school 去上学

40go to bed去睡觉 41 go to work 去上班

42get up起床 43be good with 与… … 相处融洽

44what time 几点钟 45at five-thirty 在五点三十分

46take a shower淋浴,洗澡 47after breakfast 早饭后

48after class 下课后 49after school 放学后

50take the bus 乘公共汽车 51 take sb. to …带/送某人到… …

52get home 到家 53go home 回家

54do one's homework做作业 55help… with 帮助

56have math 上数学课 57Chinese teacher 语文老师

58on Monday 在周一 59on May 2nd 在五月二日

60on Sunday morning 在星期天上午 61 at home 在家

1take2.come,see ,for ,yourself

3..have,at,price4.have,in5.How,much,are6.When,is,birthday,September,ninth7.How,old,is,sister,twelve8.Do,want,to,go,to,movie9.What,kind,of,movie,does,like10.goes,to,see,a,movie,with 11.thinks,learn,about,history12.a,successful 13.Can,play,the,guitar

14.What,club,do,wan,to,join15.What,do,do,in,evening16.What,time,do,you,get,up,in,morning17.does,his,at,in,evening18.Our,faqvorite,colors,are19.Why,do,like 20.What,is,favorite,subject 21.have,for,after 22.is,strict,are,tired 23.like,play,with24.really,like25.When,do,eat/have,lunch26.write,tell,me,about27.are,very,happy,today


I.1.your 2.name’s 3.meet 4.My 5.What’s

II.1-5BCBCB 6-10AABCB 11-15 BCBCC 15-20BBCCC

III.1.morning 2.am 3.my 4.What 5.in 6.a 7.spell 8.yellow 9.And 10.no

VI.A 1.English 2.teacher’s 3.brother 4.China 5.color



VI.A 1.What is your name?

2.Yes,it is

3.Is it a pen

4.How do you spell that?

5.What is this in English?

6. lost found

7.How baseball

8.that your

9.ID card

10.Her is


1.Tanya 2.lopez 3.watch 4.it 5.535-2375


I. 1. parents’ 2. daughter 3. these / they 4. friend

5.cousins 6.under 7.bookcase 8.CD 9.know 10.in

II. 1. These 2. Look 3. Thanks 4. parents 5. your

III. 1. are 2. are 3. is 4. am 5. is; are

IV. 1. aunt 2. brother 3. sister 4. grandfather 5. uncle

V. 1. parents 2. These are 3. Is Tom 4. What’s this

5. That isn’t

VI.1. family 2. Are 3. your 4. No 5. parents 6. His

7. mother 8. it 9. sister 10. Her


VIII.1. My, on 2. Where’s, English; It’s, dresser

3. backpack, under 4. Are; they aren’t

5. take, to

IX. 1. No 2. key 3. me 4. isn’t 5. where’s

6. at 7. call 8. Thank

X. 1—5 BACBC


I.1---5 difficult games soccer racket wear

II. 1----5 has any them play interesting

III. 1-----5 CABCD 6----10 CBBAC 11---15 BAAAB

V. 1. does have 2.What does playing

3. This is a card 4. Do you have a red hat, Jane?

5.doesn’t want

IV. 1----5 BFGDS 6----10 EHCIA

IIV. 1----5 CADEB


1. breakfast 2. them 3. fries 4. cream 5. vegetables

6. dinner 7. star 8. healthy 9. many

II. 1---5. CADBA 6—10 BDCBA

III.1. Do Emma and Paul like salad? No, they don’t.

2. My grandparents don’t have many nice pictures.

3. Does your uncle have hamburgers for lunch?

4. What does your good friend like?

5. What do his family like very much?


A. 1---5TFFFT


C. 1. No, it isn’t. 2. On the playground near Li Jun’s home.

3. a. He feels very happy.

b. It’s very easy to play basketball.

c. Playing basketball is good for the health.

VI. 略


Ⅰ. 1.afford 2.sale 3.small 4.help 5.price

Ⅱ. 6.are 7.doesn’t have 8.brother’s 9.to buy 10.dollars

Ⅲ.1-5.CCABB 6-10.ABBBA

Ⅳ. 21-25 FACGB

Ⅴ.26.How much are 27.doesn’t 28.How much are 29.How many does 30.Those bags are

Ⅵ.31-35.BCACB 36-40.ABCAB



Have a look at Mrs Green’s clothing sale.We have some clothes at very good prices.We have coats in all colors for ¥90 each and we have black pants for only ¥40.We also have blue bags for ¥60 each.T-shirts in all colors are ¥50 each.These white socks are only ¥5 each. Anybody can afford our prices!

Come and see for yourself at Mrs Green’s Clothing Sale.


Ⅰ.1.first 2.birthday 3.trip 4.nineth 5.Festival

Ⅱ.1C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9. B 10. A

Ⅲ.16.date 17.When 18.my 19.old 20.know

Ⅳ. 21.She doesn’t do her homework on Sunday.

22.Does he often play basketball on the playground on Sunday afternoon?

23.When do they have an art festival?

24.What’s his age?

25.brother’s birthday

Ⅴ. 26.B 27.C 28.C 29.A 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.A

Ⅵ. 36.D 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.A


I. 1. scary 2. funny 3. exciting

4. interesting 5. boring 6. sad

II. 1. funny 2. really 3. successful 4. thinks 5. actor

III. 1. What kind of, does, like 2. Does, want 3. don’t want

4. No, he doesn’t 5. What does, want, do

IV 1.to 2. sounds 3. kind 4. about 5. scary 6. are

7. or 8. do 9. and 10. on / at

V 1.A 2. B 3.A 4.A 5. C 6.C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B

VI 1. B 2. A 3.D 4. C 5. C

VII 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8.A 9. B 10. A


I. 1. musicians 2. address 3. guitar 4. trumpet 5. but

II. 6. A.情态动词can的后面应直接加动词原形。

7. A. 球类和棋类前不用冠词,乐器前加the。

8. D. can的否定回答是No, ...can't.

9. C. and和or都可以用来连接两个并列的事物,但and用于肯定句中,or用于否定句中。

10. C. "为了......"应用介词for。

11. B. call sb. at ... 为固定搭配。

12. A. "帮助某人做某事"是help sb. with sth.

13. A. "说语言"用speak,后面的连词应表示转折,所以用but。

14. B. "加入......"应用动词join。

15. A.在句首表示"或许,大概"的含义,应用副词maybe。

III. 16-20 BCDFG

Ⅳ. 21. very well 22. What club 23. in, music room 24. be / join in 25. singing or dancing

V. 26-30CAACC 31-35 BACBC



1. 起床 2. 吃午饭 3. 踢足球 4. 洗澡 5.去上班6. do homework

7.go to bed 8. get to 9. listen to the teacher 10.watch basketball games

II. 1.gets 2. watches 3. go 4. to listen 5. does, get

III. 1. B 2. C 3.A 4.C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8.A 9. B 10. D

11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C

V 1. Thanks 2. to know 3. eat 4. homework 5. do 6. at 7. watches 8. busy

9.to sleep 10.longer

V . 1. I am the first one to get to school.

2. He gets home at 7:00 and he watches the early morning news on TV.

3. At around eight o’clock , I go to school.

4. He likes to sleep a little longer in the morning.

5. Jim works very long hours every day.

VI. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4 D 5 C

VI 根据实际写

VIII 范文:

Hello! I’m Lily. I usually get up at around six- ten. Then I eat breakfast. I go to school at seven o’clock. School starts at seven fifty. I usually eat lunch at school with my friend. At around 5 o’clock , I go home. I do my homework from seven thirty to eight thirty. Then I go to bed at nine o’clock. That’s my busy day.


I. 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. science 4. tired

5. asks 6. subject 7. city 8. busy 9. P.E.

10 word

II. 1. like, best 2. What is your 3. Why does, like

4. Who is 5. When do

1. C。回答why引导的特殊疑问句,要用because。

2. A。在这个句子中English意为“英语课”。

3. B。名词修饰名词变复数时,除修饰词是man或woman的情况外,其他情况都只把中心词变复数,故选B。

4. B。表示在具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上用介词on。

5. C。在“星期几”要用介词on。

6. A。what day用来提问“星期几”。

7. C。在几点钟介词用at。

8. C。本题考查介词的用法。at常接具体的时间;in常接上午、下午、晚上或季节、年、月;在这里eight hours为一段时间,而只有for后可接时间段,所以A、B皆不合题意,故选C。

9. A。由he可知应用Mr。

10. A。any有“任何一个(的),任一(的)”的意思。

1. After lunch, have biology 2. are strict with

3. play with him 4. after class 5. on Wednesday morning


1. He gets up at 6 o’clock. 2. She usually does her homework. 3. Because she thinks they are very interesting countries. 4. Ms Martin. 5. Because they think it is boring.


Starter Unit 1 单元测试


A: F, Good afternoon

B: F, How are you?

C: T

D: F, Thank you.

E: T F: T

1---5 BCDAE

1---5BCDBA6---10 DABAB


1. Hello! /Hi!

Good morning!

3.Good afternoon!

4.Good evening!

5.How are you?

Starter Unit2. 单元测试






Starter Unit 3. 单元测试


1. What 2 . orange 3. pen, English 4. jacket

5. map 6. key 7. quilt 8. NBA9. BBC10.Parking

III. 1---5 ABBAC 6---10.BABBC

1---5 BCABB6—10TTTFT

Unit 1 单元测试

1---5 BCADC 6---10DACAD11---15BCCDD


1. Nice 2. meet 3. My 4. first 5. family

6.What’s 7. your 8. telephone 9. her 10. his


V.1. His last name is Smith.

2.He’s eleven.

3.He’s in Grade Seven.

4.Gina Green is his English teacher.

5.He’s in Class Two. 6---10 FTTFT

VI.My full name is Kate Green. My first name is Kate. My last name is Green. I’m twelve. My telephone number is 123-4567.

Unit 2单元测试

I.1—5. BCCBC 6—10 CBDDC11—15DDCDB

II. 1—5. IAEJF 6---9CHDG

III.1—5. BCBAB 6---10BCCAC

IV.1---5.CBACD6. his 7. boy 8. good 9. My 10. school

11. School 12. teacher 13. Class 14. same 15. very

V. 略

Unit 3. 单元测试

I. 1-5 BACCC 6-10 BABCB 10-15 CBDCA

II .1-5 BACDA 6-10 DCBAC

III. 1.family 2. five 3. father 4. girl 5. brother 6. it’s

IV. 1. Jane Green 2. Jane 3. Green 4. 820-9367

5-10 TFFTFT 11-15 DABDA.

V. 略

Unit 4 单元测试

I.1-5 BDACC 6-10 CBACB



1. sister’s 2. under 3.next to 4. books 5. isn’t

6-10 FTTTF 11-15 ABCAA


Unit 5. 单元测试

I.1—5 BCCCC6—12BCBBA 11-12BB




Unit 6.单元测试


II.1. vegetables 2. bring 3. grandparents 4. family 5. dinner

6. Her 7. healty 8. watches 9. running 10. play



V. 1—5BBAAB 6—10 TFTTF

VI. 略

Unit 7 单元测试



III.1.pears ,8 yuan 2. bananas ,1.5yuan 3.meat,3.25yuan 4. rice, 25.6yuan5. milk, 14yuan 6. Yes, it does.

7.No, it doesn’t. 8. No, I can’t. 9. Yes.


Unit 8. 单元测试



III.1.14/fourteen 2. Her 3. blue 4. 6/six 5. violin6—10CBDAD


Unit 9. 单元测试




IV.1—4CDDD5.comes 6. doesn’t know 7. like 8. learning/to learn 9. does 10 .goes 11. is studying 12 .likes 13. talk 14. says


Unit 10 单元测试

I. 1—5. CDBCA6—10CCCCA



IV.1—5FFTTT6. The letter is from Ren Lijuan. 7. The letter is to Zhang Qian. 8. Zhang Qian wants to know about Ren Lijuan’s favorite sport and instrument. 9. She likes swimming and playing the violin. 10. She wants to hear from Zhang Qian again and know something about her favorite sport and muscian.


Unit 11. 单元测试





6. He gets up at seven. 7. His father comes back from work at around five o’clock. 8. In the club. 9. Because he watches TV. 10.和爸爸在一起,我感到很幸福。


Unit 12.单元测试


II.1. science 2. favorite 3. teacher 4. because 5. Friday

III.1. What is 2. Why does, like 3. Who is 4. What’s , favorite color 5. Why does, like

IV. 1—5. BAFCE


VI. 1. name 2. student 3. subjects 4. and 5. favorite 6. Because 7. But 8. After 9. sport 10. morning11.She is thirteen years old.12. A new bike .13. on , new bike 14. What a nice bike it is! 15. 自行车节省我一半的时间。16-20TTFTT21—25TFFTF 26—30 CBCCD


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