


以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的 初一英语寒假作业答案七年级寒假园地答案寒假生活指导答案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。


一、1. clever 2. easy 3. newspapers 4. windows 5. masters

6. glasses 7. newest 8. funny 9. wonderful 10. cameras

二、1 – 5 DDBCD 6 – 10 DBBCD


四、1. don’t do 2. Is there any 3. watches 4. Where does; live

5. When does;play 6. for Millie’s 7. good swimmer 8. was born

五、1. has 2. are 3. Does; take 4. to play 5. don’t watch

6. drawing 7. do; do 8. to keep 9. asking 10. visiting

六、1 – 5 ACBCA 6 – 10 DCCAC

七、1. My cousin also has a pair of football shoes.

2. This is a photo of my family.

3. Tom is the best at swimming in our class./ Tom is the best swimmer in our class.

4. The ticket for each adult is ten dollars.

5. Basketball players look tall and strong.

The 2nd Day

一、1 – 5 DGAJB 6 – 10 IEFCH

二、1 – 5 DDCBD 6 – 10 BDBBA

三、1. spends; writing 2. buy; for 3. is lying 4. I am; friend 5. Which man

6. Let’s go to school. 7. Don’t open the door, please

8. Are there any chairs; Yes, there are

四、1. A How 2. D Uncle John 3. D there is 4. C has 5. C be late

五、1. Are you; I’m 2. This is; twin brother 3. are nineteen students; a teacher

4. know this boy 5. best swimmer

六、1 – 5 BDCCB

The 3rd Day


二、1. grandparents’ 2. each 3. exercises 4. kind 5. email

6. both 7. price 8. information 9. together 10. except

三、1 – 5 BBDCA 6 – 10 CDBAC 11 – 15 DBACD

四、1. Both; and; are 2. Does; watch 3. What’s; price 4. goes to; by bus 5. like; best

五、1. All of the students in our class like this story very much.

2. We often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.

3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

4. I don’t often make this kind of model plane.

5. I hope you can enjoy yourself at the party.

六、1. There are some walkmans in this shop.

2. I get happy when I dance.

3. Father goes to work without having breakfast.

4. Let him fly his kite in the park.

5. What is your hat made of?

七、1 – 5 ABBDC 6 – 10 CBCCD


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