☞Topic 2
I’m excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.
Hi, Maria! A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Shall we go to watch it? 玛丽亚,你好!一场精彩的电影将在今晚上映。我们一起去看好吗?
Great! What’s it about? 太好了!它是关于什么内容的?
It’s about life in space. 有关太空生活的。
That sounds exciting. 听起来很令人兴奋。
Yes. All the people travel by spaceship in the movie, and they can visit planets like Mars. 是的。在电影里所有的人都乘宇宙飞船旅行,他们还能访问像火星一样的星球。
Really? Kangkang, do you think people will live on Mars in the future? 真的吗?康康,你认为人类将来能够在火星上生活吗?(☟详情点击)
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