


Section C

Section c

The Importance of Computers


Since computers were invented in the USA in the 1950s, they have become very important in many areas of work and leisure. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship. With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems. For example, tiny computers which are inside patients’ bodies can keep their hearts beating normally. In factories, robots are controlled by computers that are like human brains. They can do work that is dangerous to humans. In business, computers are used to place and cancel orders. They are also making the workplace safer and better.


Since the Internet came into being, people’s lives at home have been changed, too. More and more people have personal computers that are used to play games and watch movies. Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and do business at home. Instead of writing letters on paper, people communicate by sending e-mails and chatting online. The whole world is connected. The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village.


Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes. If we play computer games too much, we won’t have enough time to study or exercise. Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us. Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly.


Section D

Attributive Clauses (1) 定语从句(1)

1. He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth in Shenzhou Ⅴ for 21 hours in 2003. 他是在2003年乘坐神州五号围绕地球21小时的民族英雄。

2. China is the third nation that sent a person into space. 中国将人送到太空的第三个国家。

3. More and more people have personal computers that/which are used to play games and watch movies. 越来越多的人有用于玩游戏和看电影的个人电脑。

Functions 功能

1. All of you must be very proud. 你们所有人一定很自豪!

2. It proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 这证明中国在航天工业方面取得了巨大进步。

3. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. 毋庸置疑,计算机在科技和商业领域非常有用。

4. The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village. 因特网使世界变得更小了,就像一个村。

5. Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly. 计算机在工作和在家里都能帮助我们,但它们必须要被正确利用。




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