


-What pleases you best?你最喜欢什么?


-I'm pleased to see you!见到你真高兴!

常用句型有:be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事

be pleased at/about/with/by 对···感到满意/高兴

be pleased that从句 对··· 感到满意/高兴


The walk was very pleasant. 那次散步很(让人)愉快。

四、pleasure名词 表示“满足;乐趣;消遣、娱乐”

It's a pleasure to read this book. 读这本书真是件乐事。


(1)根据句意,用pleasant, pleased或pleasure填空。

1. I had a ___ time.

2. He will be ___ to help you.

3. Reading gives me great ___.

4. It gives me ___to see you looking happy.

5. We spent a ___ day in the country.

【解析】1.pleasant 2.pleased 3. pleasure 4.pleasure 5. pleasant

(2)I think it is impossible to make everyone______.

A. please B. pleased C. pleasant D. pleasure

【解析】由句意可知,要让每个人高兴是不可能的。pleased表示“高兴的,喜欢的”; 故选B。

b. 句式包:

When was it invented? 它是何时发明的?

本句用于询问某个物品的发明时间,结构为“When + was+某项物品+invented?”,其中was invented是一般过去时的被动语态,其基本结构是“was/were + 过去分词”


This book was bought yesterday. 这本书是昨天买的。


1.一般现在时:am/is/are +过去分词

Football is played all over the world. 足球运动遍及全世界。

2.一般过去时:was/were + 过去分词

This book was bought yesterday. 这本书是昨天买的。

3.一般将来时:will be +过去分词

The class meeting will be held tomorrow. 班会将在明天开。

4.现在进行时:am/is/are +being +过去分词

Our teaching building is being built now. 我们的教学楼正在兴建中。

5.过去进行时:was/were + being +过去分词

The bus wasn’t being repaired by me then. 那时这辆车不是由我修的。

6.现在完成时:have/has + been +过去分词

The work has been finished by them. 这项工作已经被他们做完了。


1.We ____not to play computer games.

A. are told B. have told C. told D. tell

【解析】tell sb. not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,这里的主语we是tell这个动作的承受者,故应用被动语态,应选A。

2.—Will you come to the dinner party?—I won’t come unless Jenny ______.

A. will be invited   B. can be invited  C. invited     D. is invited


3. I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room _____ yet.

A. hasn’t been cleaned B. hasn’t cleaned C. isn’t been cleaned D. isn’t being cleaned

【解析】由I’m sorry you can’t go in now.可知房间还没有打扫,再加上the room是clean这个动作的承受者,应用现在完成时的被动语态,故选A。

4.A talk on science _____ in our school next Monday.

A. will give    B. will be given    C. has given  D. has been given

【解析】主语A talk 是动词give的承受者,应用被动语态。再根据next Monday 确定用一般将来时,故选B。








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