及时对知识点进行总结,整理,有效应对考试不发愁,下文由威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家带来了教科版九年级英语知识点总结,欢迎大家参考阅读。
1. talk with sb. ; talk over sth. ; talk about
2. help out 帮助某人解决困难
3. It‟s important to talk problems over with someone. 与人讨论问题是重要的。 句型:It is adj+(for sb) (not) to do sth对某人来说(不)是…的
It is necessary ________ us ________ _________ English well to know more about the world.
They know it is never _____ late _______ change bad habits.
4. make one‟s own decision 做自己的决定
5. stay out late 在外面待到很晚
6. chat on the internet 在网上聊天
7. In order to be healthy, teenagers need to get enough sleep.
in order to do为了做某事。 语境感悟: Tom tried his best to exercise in order not to increase weight.
The new company gave away lots of ads in order that people can get to know it.
跟踪练习:Jim is studying harder________ get into a better university.
A. In order that B. in order to C. so that D. as soon as
8. Get through their teenage years with the help of their families and friends.
Get through通过;到达;做完;度过;接通电话;让…了解
It is hard to see how people will get through the winter. 难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。
The window was far too small for him to get through. 窗户对他来说实在太小,他钻不过去。
I've been trying to ring up all day and I couldn't get through. 我整天都在拨电话,但总是接不通
9. pay attention to 注意
The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.
Please pay attention to taking care of your baby. 请注意照顾好你的小孩.
10. They know it‟s never too late to change bad habits.
Too…to 三考点:
1)Too +adj/adv+ to do sth太…而不能
2)Too+adj/adv (for sb)+to do sth
这本英语书太难了,我读不懂。This English book is too difficult for me to read. 这个男孩太坏了,我不能跟他交朋友。___________________________________
3).too….to 句型结构可以转化为not…enough to/ such…that..句型, that从句用否定结构。
看完威廉希尔app 给大家带来的教科版九年级英语知识点总结,相信老师对教学计划有了更深的认识。更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 初中频道。
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