


The next day the bookshops sold out. 第二天书店就卖断了货。

【拓展】out 构成的短语:

give out 分发  hand out 分发  work out 得出结果   run out of 用完

go out 出去   find out 查明    look out 当心       take out 拿出

(    ) — Do you have Nokia E72 mobiles?

— Sorry, they have been ____ . You may come next time.

A. given out      B. looked out    C. sold out    D. come out

9.  By the end of the day, more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to find out how to get the water.

【解析】find out “找出,查明,弄清楚”,后可接名词名词性短语或宾语从句

【辨析】find out, look for 与 find

(1)find out 强调经过调查、询问、研究等曲折过程后才能找出。如:

Please find out when the train leaves.

(2)look for 意为“寻找”,强调寻找的过程。如:

I'm looking for it everywhere.

(3)find 意为“发现,找到”,强调寻找的结果。如:

I can't find my pet dog.

【易错题】 42. The policemen will go to_________the truth.

A. find    B. find out    C. decide    D. look for

10.Many April Fool’s jokes may end up being not very funny.(2b)

【解析】end up (doing sth.)(以…)结束;最终成为;最后处于

I must make good use of my spare time, or I will end up doing nothing.

end up sth. 表示“结束某事”。

The scientist ended up his speech at last.

end up with sth. (以……)结束

The students began with speaking English, but ended up with speaking Chinese.

【2014杭州】The boats take different routes, but they all____ in the same place.

A.give up   B. clear up  C. end up   D. make up

11. He asked her to marry him.

【解析2】marry v嫁娶

(1)A marry B. “A 与B结婚”Bill married Mary on January 1, 1994.

(2) A and B get married = A and B are married  A和B结婚

get married 结婚 Kate and Tom get married last year.

(3) marry A to B “ 把A 嫁给B”  She married her daughter to a rich man.

(4) be married to sb 与……结婚

①.My aunt got_____________(marry) last year.  ②.When did Sue and Jack___________(结婚).

(   ) ③ — Betty, did your son get married in the year 2000.

— Yes , he _____ for about eight years.

A. has married    B. has been married   C. has got married  D. was married

12.In that month in 1938, actor Orson Welles announced on his radio program that aliens from Mars had landed on the earth.

【解析1】 land on 意为“着陆;降落于”,反义词组为take off

13. Wells made it sound so real that hundreds of people believed the story, and fear spread across the whole country. (2b)

【解析】 hundred n 百    hundreds of 数以百的

【2014山东东营】When he arrived at the airport, Lee Minho found that ____ fans were

waiting for him there.

A. hundred        B. hundreds      C. hundred of     D. hundreds of

【2014重庆中考B卷】26. Yesterday _______ people came to the town t o watch the car race.

A. hundreds          B. hundred          C. hundreds of      D. hundred of

【2014江苏淮安】5. Sam enjoyed collecting. He has collected over three _______stamps.

A. hundred          B. hundreds      C. hundred of     D. hundreds of

thousand n 千   thousands of成千上万的

【2014江苏宿迁】Thousands of ________ (visitor) come to my hometown Suqian every year.

【2014贵州遵义It is very cool in Guizhou in summer, so ___ people come here for vacation.

A. two thousands       B. thousands of      C. thousand of

million n 百万   millions of成百万的

【2014黑龙江龙东】28. _ _______fans would like to go to Brazil to watch the World Cup.

A. Million of B. Millions of C. Millions

【注】:(1)当hundred/ thousand/million 前面有具体的数字时,用单数形式

(2)当hundred/ thousand/million 后与of 连用时用复数形式,

【口诀】:具体的不加s 也不加of,不具体的加s 也加of

【2013云南中考】— How many people were invited to the meeting? — About six ____.

A. hundred    B. hundreds    C. hundred of   D. hundreds of

14. How did you feel about this day?

【解析】How do you feel about…? = What do you think of…?= How do you like…?

“你怎样看待……?”  用于提问对方对某事物的观点

How do you feel about the talk show?

【解析2】 “take off ”“起飞”。

Be careful! The plane is going to land on the airport.


keep off 隔离 drop off 放下,下车 take off 脱下,(飞机起飞

set off 出发,开始 hurry off 匆匆离开 turn off 关上,关闭

【2013福建福州】Remember to_________ _______(关掉)the tap when you are not using it.

【2013福建泉州】—Mom, it's too hot today.

—Oh, dear!, Why don't you_________(脱下)your sweater?

16.I’m so glad that I cancel my plan to go to the market.

【解析】so … that … “那么(表程度)、如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句。so 后跟形容词/副词,so … that …引导的复合句可转换成简单句。

⑴ 当that从句是否定结构,that从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,可用too … to …替换。不相同时,可用too … for sb. to do…替换。

The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.

= The boy is too young to go to school. 这个男孩太小了,不能上学。

The suit was so expensive that I could not afford it.

= The suit was too expensive for me to afford. 这衣服太贵,我买不起。

⑵ 当that从句是肯定结构,that从句的主语与主句的不相同时,可用…enough for sb. to do …替换。相同时,可用…enough to do…替换。

He ran so slowly that I could catch up with him. = He ran slowly enough for me to catch up with him.

He ran so fast that he won the race. = He ran fast enough to win the race.


1. He is so weak that he could walk for a long time. =He is ____ weak _____ walk for a long time.

2. The problem is so difficult that I can’t work it out. =The problem is ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ work it out.

3. The book is so interesting that most students like reading it.

=  The book is interesting ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ like reading it.

4. She was so lucky that she got the job.  = She was lucky ____ ____ get the job.

【2014宜宾】 The old man was so_______ the good news that he couldn’t say a word.

A. interested in      B. excited about   C. afraid of         D. worried about

(    ) — Jack, could you help me ____ when the plane will take off on the Internet?

— I’m sorry, my computer doesn’t work.

A. get out    B. look out   C. take out   D. find out

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的九年级英语unit7知识精讲,大家看了之后感觉还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助。







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