初三英语期中复习重点之Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?




1, could you please…? 是表示请求的礼貌用语,+ v.(原);其否定形式是在please后+ not.

肯定回答:Sure./Certainly./ Of course.    否定回答:Sorry, I can’t. / Sorry, I’m afraid not.  ---Could you please ___the window?  ---Sure, I ___.

A. open not; could   B. not open; could  C. not opening; can   D. not open; can Could在句子中表示委婉的请求,而不是过去式。

---Could you go shopping with me?

---___. My father and I will go to Wuhan tomorrow.

A. I think so.  B. Yes, I hope so  C. I’m afraid so   D. Sorry, I’m afraid not

2, excuse me事前先向别人致歉。一来引起别人注意;二来可以表示自己的彬彬有礼。

---___, could you tell me the way to the Park Street?

---The Park Street? Oh, go straight and turn left. You can’t miss it.

A. All right    B. Never mind    C. Excuse me    D.Thank you

3, how to get to…怎样去…, 为疑问词+to do结构,用作宾语。

此结构常放在tell, show, teach, learn, know, wonder, forget, choose等动词之后作宾语。

We don’t know what we should do with the boy. = We don’t know what to do with the boy. 疑问词+to do结构也可以在句子中作主语,表语等。




初三下册英语期中考复习要点之Sad movies make me cry.  

初三下册英语期中考复习重点之It must belong to Carla.  



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