聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初中三年级英语知识点整理。
1. --- Excuse me, have you got …?
--- Yes, I have. (Sorry, I haven’t.)
2. --- Why don’t you …?
--- Thanks, I will.
3. --- Thanks a lot. (Thank you very much.)
--- You are welcome.
4. --- Have you ever done…?
--- Yes, I have, once. (No, never.)
5. --- I’ve just done…
--- Really?
6. ---What’s …like ?
7. --- How long have you been…?
--- Since…
8. --- Have you ever been to…?
--- I’ve never been there. (None of us has./ Only …has. )
9. --- Would you like to have a try?
--- I don’t think I can…
10. --- What have you done since…?
11. --- How long have you been at this …?
--- For…
12. --- How long has she/ he worked there…?
--- She’s / He’s worked there for… / all her / his life.
13. --- I’m sorry he isn’t here right now.
14. --- May I help you?
15. --- That’s very kind of you.
16. ---Could we go scuba diving?
17. --- Could you tell us how long we’re going to be away?
18. --- Let’s try to find some information about it, OK?
19. --- Could you please tell me how to search the Internet?
20. --- Go straight along here.
21. ---Please go to Gate 12.
22. --- Please come this way.
23. --- Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island?
24. --- That sounds really cool!
希望为大家提供的初中三年级英语知识点整理,能够对大家有用,更多相关内容,请及时关注威廉希尔app !
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