


The question is whether I can pass the exam.

3) 在不定式前。例如:

I haven't made up my mind whether to go there or not.

(4)so…that, such...that

1) so…that中的so是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而such...that中的such是个形容词,后接名词或名词短语。例如:

I'm so tired that I can't walk any farther.

It was such a warm day that he went swimming.

2) 如果在名词之前有many, much, little, few时,用so,不用such。例如:

He has so little education that he is unable to get a job.

I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over.

(5)either…or…, neither…nor, not only…but also…



Either you or he is wrong.

Neither he nor his children like fish.

Not only the teacher but also the students want to buy the book.

(6)although, but

这两个连词不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说"Although he is

over sixty, but he works as hard as others."这个句子应改为:Although he is over sixty, he works as hard as others.或He is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.

(7)because, so

这两个连词同样不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说"Because John

was ill, so I took him to the doctor." 这个句子应改为Because John was ill, I took him to the doctor.或John was ill, so I took him to the doctor.

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