


Are you in Grade 3, too? 你也在三年级吗?


We are also students.我们也是学生。

He also went there on foot.他也是走着去的。

Did you also want to have a look? 你也想看看吗?

4. if/ whether


()与or not连用时,只能用whether.

We want to know whether you are ill or not. 我们想知道你是否生病了。

Please tell me whether or not you have finished your work.



Adam didn’t know whether to go or stay.亚当不知道是走还是留。

He hasn’t decided whether to have dinner with me.他还没决定是否和我共进晚餐。


Whether it will rain or snow, we don’t mind. 我们不在乎将要刮风还是下雨。

Whether I won or lost, she didn’t want to know.我是赢是输她不想知道。


The most important was whether they had gone.最重要的是他们是不是已经走了。

Whether he will go with me is a secret.他是否会和我一起去还是个秘密。


We’ll have a football match if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我们要进行足球赛。

I’ll tell him if I sees him.我看见他就告诉他。

If you’re in danger, please call 0.如果你遇到危险,请拨打0。

5. cost/ spend/ pay/ take

() cost一般用某物来做主语,表示“(某物)值…、花费…”,既能指花费时间也能指金钱。

The new bike costs me 300 yuan.这辆新自行车花了我三百元。

It will cost you a whole to read through this book.通读这本书将会花费你整整一周时间。

cost 还可以用作名词,表示“成本、费用、价格、代价”等。

What’s the cost of this TV set? 这台电视机的成本是多少钱?

They succeeded at the cost of hard work.他们辛苦地工作换来的成功。

(2) spend一般用某人来作主语,表示“(某人)花费…,付出…”,也能指时间或金钱,指时间时常与 in搭配,指金钱时常与on或for搭配。

We spent two days in repairing this machine.我们花了两天时间修理这台机器。

Mr. Lee spends $20 on books every month.李先生每月花二十美元在书上。

(3) pay用作动词时,一般也以某人作主语,但一般指花钱、付款等,很少用来指花费时间。常与for搭配使用。

They paid 70 yuan for the tickets.他们花了七十元买票。

He was too poor to pay for his schooling.他穷得交不起学费。


It’s hard for me to live with such low pay.我很难靠这么低的薪水生活下去。


How long will the meeting take? 会议要开多久?

It took me several hours to get there. 我花了几个小时才到那儿。

6. bad/ badly



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