



1.一点也不 not at all

2.介意(不)做某事 mind(not) doing sth

3.介意某人做某事 mind one's /sb.doing sth

4.把…..调小 turn down 把…调大 turn…up

5.打棒球 play baseball

6.打扫庭院 clean the yard

7.从….. 出来get out of ……

8.立刻.马上right away at oncein a minute

9.洗碗筷 wash/do the dishes

10.一会儿 in a minute

11.穿上put on

12.看起来很糟look terrible

13.在开会be at a meeting

14.去购物go shopping

15.喂狗 feed the dog

16.做饭 cook dinner/do some cooking/make food

17.完成任务 finish the tasks

18.在厨房里 in the kitchen

19.做一些海报make some posters

20.那没问题! That's no problem

21.一个糟糕的发型a terrible haircut

22.服装店 clothing store

23.有薯条的汉堡包a hamburger with French fries

24.排队wait in line

25.插队 cut in line/jump in line

26.跟着某人四处转 follow sb around

27.回到…go back to /return to…

28.一直.总是 all the time

29.有点晚 a bit/little late

30. 在去…的路上 the way to……

31.恼怒…生气 get (be)mad annoyedangry

32.试图(不)做某事try(not) to do sth

33.运动俱乐部 sports club

34.半小时以前 half an hour ago

35.一个说英语的国家an English-speaking country

36.社会行为 social behavior

37.在公众场所in public places 当众 in public

38.即使 even if

39.给某人一些建议 give sb some suggestions/advice

40.例如 for example

41.熄灭 put out


43.破坏规则 break the rules 制定规则make the rules 遵守规则 follow/obey the rules

44.首先 at first first of all

45.压低声音,使…缓和 keep … down

46.当心、小心 take care /be careful

47允许某人做…allow sb to do sth,

48. 穿上另外一条 put on another pair

49.临时照顾小妹妹 babysit one's little sister

51.服装店 clothing store

52. 给我一个较小的give me a smaller one

53. 发生在某人身上 happen to sb

54.在学校图书馆里 in the school library

55.站在地铁门口 stand in

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