


34. take care of

35. cut down

36. make a contribution to

37. base on

38. make sure

39. take away

40. begin with

41. right now

42. as soon as possible

43. leave a message

44. all kinds of things

45. walk around

46. fall asleep

47. wake up

48. go on a trip

49. have a good time

50. take photos

51. come out

52. come on

53. have a family meeting

54. talk about

55. go for a holiday

56 go scuba diving

57. write down

58. by oneself

59. walk along

60. get a chance to do sth

61. have a wonderful time

62. book a room

63. have an accident

64. be interested in

65. use sth. to do sth.

66. make a TV show

67. be amazed at

68. take part in

69. feed on

70. get out of

II. 重要句型

1. Why don’t you do sth.?

2. make sb. Happy

3. borrow sth. from sb.

4. forget to do sth.

5. pay fro sth.

6. return sth. To sb.

7. learn sth. from sb.

8. be famous for sth.

9. No matter what…

10. be with sb.



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