


specialize in 专攻,专门研究

  take in 欺骗,收容

  belief in 信仰,相信

  a delight in 以……为乐

  an expert in 专家,能手

  in fact 事实上

  in the event of 万一

  in one's opinion 据……见解

  in bloom 开着花

  in the direction of 朝……方向

  in comparison with 与……比较

  in possession of 拥有,占有

  in view of 由于,考虑到

  in any event 无论如何

  in the course of 在……过程中

  in short 简言之

  believe in 信仰,信赖

  end in 以……告终

  excel in (在某方面)突出地好

  invest … in 在……投资

  succeed in 在……方面获得成功

  participate in 参加

  confidence in 信任,相信

  difficulty in 困难,困境

  pleasure in 高兴

  a rise in 上涨,增长

  (there is no) point in (做某事没)有意义

  There's no harm in 不妨

  a specialist in 专家

  an interest in 兴趣,关心

  participation in 参加

  trouble in 苦恼,麻烦

  interested in 对……感兴趣

  fortunate in 有幸

  constant in 对……持久

  lacking in 缺乏

  expert in 在……熟练

  confident in 信任

  in time 及时

  in the interest of 为了……利益


  We hoped that we should have confidence in each other again.


  He listened in while we were discussing this question.


  In conclusion, I shall not accept the invitation.


  We must give up this plan for we are lacking in funds.


  This shop specializes in tea and coffee.


  He wants to have a rise in wages.


  In comparison with England, Ireland has a small population.


  8. Into

  argue … into 说服……做

  frighten … into 恐吓……做

  plunge into 投身于

  run into 碰见

  turn … into 把……变成

  divide … into 把……分成

  translate … into 把……翻译成

  force … into 迫使……做

  crash into 撞到……上

  burst into 突然开始,爆发出

  burst into 闯入

  inquire into 调查

  reason … into 说服……做

  talk … into 说服……做

  trick … into 诱骗……做

  deceive … into 欺骗……去做

  pull into 到达,开进

  cut into 减轻,减少

  change … into 把……变成

  break into 突然闯入


  On hearing the sad news, she burst into tears.


  The taxi driver pulled into a roadside restaurant to get something to eat.


  They frightened the old lady into signing the contract.


  9. Of

  worthy of 值得

  tired 厌倦

  considerate of 体贴

  aware of 知道

  conscious of 认识到

  proud of 骄傲

  composed of 由……组成

  certain of 确信

  regardless of 不管

  fond of 喜爱

  cautious of 小心

  innocent of 清白,无罪

  approve of 赞成,批准

  consist of 由……组成

  inform … of 通知

  rob … of 抢劫

  convince … of 使……确信

  deprive … of 剥夺,使……丧失

  dispose of 处理

  suspect … of 怀疑

  guilty of 犯罪

  ignorant of 忽视

  accuse … of 控告(某人)

  assure … of 使……确信

  hear of 听说

  remind … of 使想起,提醒

  smell of 有……气味

  cure … of 治愈……病

  die of 死于

  speak of 谈到,提及

  10. To

  access to 进入,通道

  attention to 注意

  exposure to 暴露

  injury to 损伤,伤害

  an objection to 反对

  dedication to 献身,热爱

  resistance to 阻力,抵抗

  similarity to 类似,相似

  similar to 相似,相同

  indifferent to 不在乎

  equal to 等于

  devoted to 献身于

  contrary to 违反,相反

  adapt to 使习惯

  amount to 相当于,等于

  confess to 承认

  owe … to 把……归功于

  report to 报到

  stick to 坚持

  to a certain extent 在一定程度上

  to one's satisfaction 使……满意

  to the utmost 尽力

  an attitude to 态度

  (attach) importance to 重视

  a limit 限制

  contribution to 贡献,捐助

  a disgrace to 耻辱

  a response to 反应,响应

  a visit to 访问,拜访

  relevant to 对……有关

  inferior to 比……下等

  grateful to 感激

  insensitive to 迟钝

  parellel to 平行

  add to 增加,加强

  belong to 属于

  lead to 导致

  prefer to 宁可,更喜欢

  sentence … to 宣判

  turn to 求助于

  to one's liking 合……胃口

  to one's face 当面

  to one's benefit 对……有益

  to one's taste 合……胃口

  例如:He answered the questions to everybody's satisfaction. 他回答了问题,使人人都很满意。

  The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not relevant to the topic.有时候那位教授训一些跟主题无关的话题。 I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive. 我反对这项计划,理由是费用过于庞大。

  The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain. 由于长期淋雨,油漆脱落了。

  Your computer is similar to mine. 你的计算机与我的相似。

  I sympathize with her only to a certain extent. 我只是在一定程度上同情她。

  He dedicated his life to the cause of medicine. 他将一生献给了医学事业。

  11. On

  advice on 忠告,意见 an attack on 袭击,攻击 dependence on 依靠,依赖 an emphasis on 强调,重点

  (keep) an eye on 照看,注意 an influence on 影响 (have) mercy on 怜悯,对…


  表示时间的介词,在英语介词中占着相当重要的位置。在初中阶段英语教学过程中,已出现了许多用来表示时间的介词。其中有:at on in during for to till un til after by before等。本文着重谈一谈这些介词在表示时间的用法及它们之间的同异之处。

 1.at on in

  at用来表示时间时,通常指时间的某一点。例如:at five o’clock atnoon atmidnight

  on用来表示某一段时间,特指某天或某天的上午 下午或晚上。例如:on Sunday,on October,on Saturday morning.  c)in也可用来表示一段时间,但多指长于一天或不到一天的时间段。例如:in January, in summer, in 1988, in the morning ,in the evening.

 2.in during

  during用来表示一段时间,其意义大致相当于in的用法。一般来说,凡是能用in的地方,也可以用during.例如:He came to see me during my absence. .Don’t go to see his wife in his absence.

  during与in的区别在于during强调时间的延续性,而in则只是一般指某一时间。试比较:They visited many cities during their stay in China. Her grandpa was killed in the war.

 3.in for during

  “in+时间”与“for+时间”都可表示一段时间,但“for+时间”表示“有多久”,而“in+时间”则表示“在何时”。(例如:We worked there for the winter. They worked there in winter.  以上两例中,in winter强调“在冬季”,不一定包括整个冬季时间,而for the winter则强调“整个冬天”。

  b)for用来表示一般时间,常跟具体的时间段。例如 for a few days for 3 weeks for five months等

  since after since after  都可以用来引导表示从过去某一点开始的时间段词组。它们的不同之处在于:

  a)since引导的词组所表示的时间一直延续到说话时为止,因而要与现在完成时连用。例如:He has been there twice since 1982. I have done nothing since six o’clock.

  b)after引导的词组所表示的时间是纯系过去,并不延续到说话时,因此要和一般过去时连用。例如:He went home after school.

  till until to

  介词till/until常用于“from.……till/until”结构中,表示“一个动作的终结”。介词to常用在“from.……to”的结构中,用来表示“一个阶段的终结”。两者在这种结构中意义十分接近。例如:The Americans stayed here from June to September. He studies from morning till/until night everyday.

  b)to可用在表示钟点的词前。我们说It’s six to five 但不能说It’s six till/until five.反之在某些能用till/until的场合,却不能用to.例如:在“not.……until”结构中,我们说I didn’t go to bed till/until ten o’clock.却不能说I didn’t go to bed to ten o’clock.


 6. by before

  by表示时间时,意思是“到……以前”、“不迟于”、“到……时(为止)”。例如:by supper time by the end of last term

  b)before表示时间,意为“在……以前”。例如:before liberation the day before yesterday

  c)by与before的区别在于,by短语表示时间,强调“终止点”,而before短语表示时间,强调“起始点”。例如:Your son will be all right by suppertime.

  句中的by suppertime表示从说话时到晚饭前这段时间。)而before构成短语则表示从某一时间或事件之前,例如:The poor children couldn’t go to school beforeliberation.






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