


单元基础水平测试题 参考答案:

一 1-5 CBCAD  6-10 BCADB    11-15 CDBAC

二. 1-5 BBADC  6-10 DAADB

三. 1-5 BDDAC     6-10 CBABD

11. tossed  12. jingled   13T 14F  60. Her dad and grandma / One hundred years.

四. 1. Who is she     2. What is it made of

3. Who made it       4. When did you learn to make them【1:3】

5. How long will it take you

五. 1. chopsticks    2. cotton     3. produces     4. surface     5. heat

六. 1. wasn’t made  2. Is; held   3. are planted   4. What are   5. Both; and

七. 1. from     2. thousands    3. produce     4. is good for  5. realize

6. polish    7. used        8 cooking     9. did      10 countries

八. One possible version:

Dear Betty,

I’m telling you how I spent my Sunday. I went shopping with my sister. I bought a blue blouse. It is size M. It is made of silk and it was made in Hangzhou. It feels very soft. Though it is a little expensive, I like the color and style very much. My sister bought a pair of blue jeans. They’re also size M. They’re made of cotton and they were made in Zhejiang. My sister likes them a lot. I think they can make us more beautiful when we wear them.






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