2015九年级上英语单元基础测试题:Module 6(含答案)




Dear Editor,

My sister Becky keeps singing a song to me, though she knows I don’t like it. She even tells her friends to sing it to me! It really makes me angry.


Dear Dale,

Your sister seems to think it’s fun to make you angry, and the way you react (反应) may make her think it’s more fun.

You could try to ask your sister nicely to stop. Anytime she sings it in the future, don’t react or get angry. If you need to, leave the room. When you don’t react, she may become bored and stop singing.

Your parents may have advice on how to deal with this, too.


Dear Editor,

When people ask what I want to be when I grow up, I don’t know how to reply because I want to do so many things. Most of the time, I answer, “I don’t know.”


Dear Cindy,

Those people might just be trying to get to know you better. What they are really asking is, “What interests you now?”

The next time someone asks what you want to be, you could say something like “Today I think I’d like to be a writer or an artist. But ask me tomorrow, and I may change my mind”.


Dear Editor,

My best friend’s parents ended their marriage (婚姻). She’s having trouble going between houses and is sad all the time. It makes me feel sad, too.


Dear Sally,

It’s hard to watch a friend go through something hard. Help your friend make the best of her time at each house, asking her to hang out (闲逛), or even just staying with her when she’s having a hard time. If she’s not better soon, talk to a trusted adult.



(  )46. If Becky sings a song to Dale next time, Dale could _______.

A. tell her teacher

B. speak to her angrily

C. leave the room

D. ask their parents to punish her

(  )47. Cindy doesn’t know how to reply when others ask her _______.

A. age                   B. dream job

C. marks               D. favourite people

(  )48. Sally’s best friend is having a hard time because ______.

A. her parents ended their marriage

B. she has to move to a new place

C. her parents often fight with each other

D. she doesn’t get on with others

(  )49. In order to help her best friend, Sally is suggested to _______.

A. live in her hous es            B. hang out with her

C. talk with her parents         D. sing songs to her

(  )50. The material probably comes from ________.

A. a guidebook              B. a sports newspaper

C. a storybook                D. a children’s magazine


It was a Sunday afternoon and Sophie was searching her toy boxes. She   51   soft toys everywhere.

“What’s going on?” asked Dad and Grandma.

“Day 100 is coming up at school, and I need to find 100 things,” Sophie counted her soft toys. “Only 25. I would need 75 more!”

Dad   52   coins in his pocket. “How about 100 coins?”

“Lots of kids take coins.”

“How about 100 cotton (棉花) balls?” said Grandma, holding up a bag of them.

Sophie shook her head. “Christopher took cotton balls last year. It was a windy day, and half of them were blown out of the box on his way to school.”

“How about buttons (纽扣)?” said Grandma.

“I did that in kindergarten (幼儿园).”

“Erasers?” said Dad.

“First grade.”

“Well, in all of my 60 years,” said Grandma, “I have never thought so much about the number 100.”

“And in all of my 40 years,” said Dad, “I ...”

“Wait a minute!” Sophie thought for a moment. “I’ve got my 100 things!”

Day 100 finally arrived. Sophie kept looking at the classroom door as other kids shared their things.

Then someone knocked on the door. Sophie’s dad and grandma walked in. Sophie jumped out of her seat. “Here are my 100 things!” she shouted.

The class looked surprised.

“But that’s only two people,” said Kelly.

Sophie smiled and said, “This is my dad. He’s 40 years old.”

Sophie wrote 40 on the blackboard.

“And this is my grandma,” she said. “She’s 60 years old.”

Sophie wrote 60 on the blackboard.

“Got it?” she said. “40 and 60 is ...”

“100!” shouted the class.

“You k now what?” Sophie said, hugging Grandma and Dad. “One hundred years is pretty awesome (令人敬畏的).”



jingle: to shake small things together so that they make a sound

toss: to throw something carelessly

51. ________       52. ________


(  )53. Christopher had only 50 cotton balls when he arrived at  school on Day 100 last year.

(  )54. Sophie’s dad and grandma helped her find buttons and erasers.


55. What did Sophie take to the classroom on Day 100 this year?



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