2015九年级上英语单元基础测试题:Module 6(含答案)



(  )18. He is careless and always makes some mistakes in his homework. So he  _________ his exam again.

A. improved                 B. failed

C. thought                 D. planned

(  )19. Paul will have a month’s holiday. He is considering ________ to visit the Science Museum in London.

A. go                             B. to go

C. going                       D. to going

(  )20. Philip has got into the habit of ________ a book before he goes to bed.

A. read                       B. reading

C. see                               D. seeing

(  )21. —Why not ________ and see Mr Smith this evening?

—It’s a good idea.

A. hurry up                B. come on

C. come round             D. warm up

(  )22. —Oh, it’s bad. The radio doesn’t work.

—Didn’t you ________ the radio before you bought it?

A. count down         B. try out

C. tidy up                D. point out

(  )23. —When does the early bus start?

—You ________ it if you get up at 6:00 am.

A. catch                   B. catches

C. will catch           D. caught


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