


六. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)


1. 王老师的确是我曾经遇到过的最好的老师。

Mr. Wang is ________ ________ the best teacher I have ever met.

2. 这两年来你们学校发生了很大的变化吗?

Have great changes ________ ________ in your school in the past two years?

3. 我是偶然想到这个主意的。

I came up with this idea ________ ________.

4. 爸爸正在忙着把这本书翻译成德语。

Dad is busy ________ this book ________ German.

5. 一个小男孩掉进了河里。幸运的是,他的狗救了他。

A little boy ________ ________ the river. Luckily, his dog saved him.

七. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)


drop, attention, seem, although, scientist, compare, like, look, spend, important

We love robot dogs, but do real dogs like robot people? It (1) ______ that they do — if the robot does human things (2) ______ talk and move.

(3) ______ have found that dogs react (作出反应) socially to robots when the robots do things socially towards them. Looks (外貌) don’t seem to be (4) ______. Even though a robot (5) ______ nothing like a human and doesn’t have a smell, it can catch a dog’s (6) ______ if it sounds like a human. Scientists discovered this by (7) ______ the way dogs reacted to two different robots: one called them by name, and one just made beeping sounds (哔哔声). The dogs were more likely to react to the talking robot, find the food it (8) ______, and follow its orders. They (9) ______ more time near the robot or looking at its head when the robot did things socially.

(10) ______ the dogs probably didn’t mistake the robot for a person, they might still help scientists make a more human robot.【1:3】

八. 书面表达(20分)


要求:1. 发言稿需包括表格内容,可适当发挥;

2. 90词左右,发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

What Who When

The telephone Alexander Bell In 1876

The car Carl Benz In 1885

The TV John Baird In around 1927

Hello, everyone! There are many inventions that have changed the world. Here’s a short introduction of some useful inventions.

___________________________________________________________________________ _________

That’s all. Thanks!


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