


四. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)

❋ A ❋

The wagon train (马拉篷车队) traveled for weeks, and Emily was bored and tired — tired of not having a real bed to sleep in. She was bored because there was nothing fun for a girl her age to do. Mom promised it wouldn’t be too much longer, but the trip seemed to take a very very long time.04

Then, one day, a rabbit caught Emily’s eye. Maybe she could catch it, and then she’d have a pet! Emily ran after the rabbit into a small forest behind the wagons, but it disappeared (消失). Emily looked and looked for it, but at last she gave up. She turned to go back, but nothing looked familiar (熟悉的). She started in one direction, but it was the wrong way. Emily tried another direction, but soon found that was wrong, too.

Emily was scared. What if she couldn’t find the wagons? What if they didn’t realize she was lost and just kept moving farther and farther away from her? What if some wild animals hurt her?

Emily sat on the ground and started to cry ... but wait ... did she hear voices? She stood up and ran towards them. As she got closer, she heard her mom’s voice and the voices of some of the men from the train. Then she could see them. Emily ran as fast as she could, right into her mom’s welcoming arms.

Mom carried Emily back to their wagon and put her to bed. Emily was glad she was home. Home was wherever Mom was. She’d never say she felt bored again.


(  ) 1. According to Paragraph 1, we can know that Emily wanted to ______.

A. take a long trip             B. sleep in a real bed

C. remember something fun  D. play with her mom

(  ) 2. Emily tried to catch a rabbit to ______.

A. take it to school               B. give it to her mom

C. play with it               D. compete with it

(  ) 3. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about ______.

A. how Emily got lost        B. what Emily saw

C. how Emily hurt herself     D. what Emily feared8

(  ) 4. Emily found her mom ______.

A. by her voice

B. by her smell

C. with the help of the rabbit

D. with the help of the men from the train

(  ) 5. Which of the following is in correct order according to Emily’s changing feelings?2

A. bored, scared, excited, sad, glad

B. bored, sad, excited, scared, glad

C. bored, excited, sad, scared, glad

D. bored, excited, scared, sad, glad


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