初三年级上册英语同步练习:How can we become good learners?




根据材料内容, 从A~E中选出与各段落相对应的标题。

A. Surround(围绕)yourself with English

B. Do exercises and take tests

C. Visit an English-speaking country

D. Don’t be afraid to speak English

E. Talk to yourself

Here are some ways to help you learn English.


Most people think a big pro blem of learning English is worrying. They worry that they won’t say right things, so they don’t talk at all. In fact, a good way to learn anything is to do it again and again. Learning English needs practice. Don’t let your worry stop you from getting what you want.


Put yourself in an English-speaking environment(环境). Put English books around your room, listen to English music, watch English news, movies and TV programs and speak English with your friends. By doing this, you will learn faster and you will begin thinking in English.


Although it sounds a little strange, it can work. When you are doing housework or taking a walk in the park, you can read words to yourself or ask yourself questions and answer them in English.


Many people think that exercises and tests aren’t m uch fun. However, they are really helpful. By doing exercises and taking tests, you can really improve your Engl ish.


If English is no t a common language in your country, try to take a vacation to an English-speaking coun try, such as Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom or Australia. It will be interesting and can help you improve your English in a short time.



九年级英语第一单元知识点:unit 1 



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