九年级英语第一单元同步练习:unit 1




The ancient people of Babylon and Egypt ____1____ the stars in the sky and created the zodiac (黄道十二宫图) ____2___ years ago. At first it ___3____ count time. Later, many people used the stars to describe a person’s

____4___ and to foretell (预言) what would happen in the future.

A person’s zodiacal sign ____5___ his or her birth ____6____. Some believe this sign can tell us about a person’s character. For example, some think that a person ____7___ under the sign of Cancer (between June 22 and July 22) is kind and ____8___ .

In many ____9___ in Asia, people believe the Chinese horoscope (星象) can describe character and foretell  future events. In the Chinese horoscope, there are ___10____ animals. A person’s animal sign is connected to his or her birth ___11___. Each animal has a different type of character. People born in the Year of the Rat are friendly and careful. Those born in the Year of the Monkey are smart and ____12___ at making money.

In Asia, a person’s blood type is also used to describe character. People ___13____ the blood type A are calm and serious, but they may be selfish. People with the blood type B are independent but may be lazy. People with the blood typ e AB ___14___ honest, and people with the blood type O are talkative (健谈的).

Not everybody believes that star signs or blood types can describe character. But reading the hor oscope can still be a lot of ____15____.

(    ) 1. A. study           B. studied         C. learned        D. learn

(    ) 2. A. thousand of      B. thousand       C. thousands of    D. thousands

(    ) 3. A. is used to        B. was used for    C. used to        D. was used to

(    ) 4. A. name           B. character       C. age           D. hobby

(    ) 5. A. is connected to   B. connects to      C. connected to   D. was connected to

(    ) 6. A. place           B. year           C. date           D. time

(    ) 7. A. was born        B. wer e born      C. is born         D. born

(    ) 8. A. selfish          B. home-loving    C. silly           D. disloyal

(    ) 9. A. countries        B. cities          C. towns          D. schools

(    ) 10. A. ten            B. eleven         C. twelve         D. thirteen

(    ) 11. A. week          B. day           C. month          D. year

(    ) 12. A. bad           B. good          C. common        D. little

(    ) 13. A. with          B. within         C. has             D. have

(    ) 14. A. are           B. is             C. was            D. were

(    ) 15. A. funny         B. fun           C. funs            D. interest


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