初三英语练习题Units 6-10复习练习题



二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful white bird living in the forest. Every bird thought she was  16  bird in the forest, but she still wanted herself to be more and more beautiful.

One day, an owl (猫头鹰) moved into the forest and  17  a beauty shop. Many birds came to the shop to do their hairdressing. The white bird was  18  that someone might be more beautiful than her, so she also came to the shop.

In the shop, she saw many birds have their  19  dyed (染色) and they looked beautiful. Then she said to the owl, “I would like my hair to be dyed blue.” But she  20  her mind (想法) soon. “I want my hair red.”

She changed her mind again and again when she saw the other birds have  21  hair dyed different colours. She almost wanted all different colours on.

Finally the owl thought, “Why not put all the  22  together?” Then he did it to the white bird. Immediately, he knew it was a  23  decision. The white bird’s hair became black!

Then the owl flew away and the white bird  24  a crow (乌鸦) that we see today. She was mad at the owl but she couldn’t find him in the daytime  25  he hid from her. And that’s why we hardly ever see owls in the daytime now.

( )16. A. the most beautiful B. the cleverest

C. the most important D. the happiest

( )17. A. wanted B. saw C. opened D. sold

( )18. A. pleased B. sorry C. surprised D. afraid

( )19. A. skin B. body C. hair D. cloth

( )20. A. gave B. kept C. knew D. changed

( )21. A. her B. his C. their D. your

( )22. A. birds B. colours C. shops D. things

( )23. A. terrible B. quick C. correct D. final

( )24. A. noticed B. became C. caught D. brought

( )25. A. so B. though C. if D. because

三. 阅读理解 (30分)


Tofu history in China — Tofu is very popular in the East today but tofu was first eaten in China over 2,000 years ago. An ancient Chinese painting on a stone shows that soymilk (豆浆) and tofu were being made in China during 25~220. The oldest written material of tofu also appeared in China in about 1500, in a poem Ode to Tofu by Su Ping.

Tofu history in Japan — Kento priests (教士), who went to China, brought tofu back to Japan during the Nara era (710-794). The word “tofu” was first mentioned in Japan in the diary of a priest called Nakaomi. In 1489, the word “tofu” was first written in the actual Japanese characters. Tofu gradually became popular in Japan. The cooking book Tofu Hyakuchin came out in 1782 and sold very well.

Tofu history in Western world — In 1603, a Spanish dictionary was the first European document with the word “tofu”. Domingo Fernandez de Navarrete described in his book A Collection of Voyages and Travles how tofu was made. The first English reference (参考资料) to tofu was in 1704, when Navarrete’s book came out in English. Tofu was first produced in France by Paillieux in 1880. Hirata & Co started to make tofu in San Francisco in 1895.

根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)

( )26. Tofu was first eaten in      as a kind of food.

A. Japan B. China

C. France D. England

( )27. Ode to Tofu is a     .

A. painting B. book

C. poem D. dictionary

( )28. The cooking book Tofu Hyakuchin came out in Japan in     .

A. 1489 B. 1500

C. 1704 D. 1782

( )29. The word “tofu” was first mentioned in      in Western world.

A. Spain B. France

C. England D. America

( )30. Tofu was first produced by      in France.

A. Nakaomi B. Navarrete

C. Paillieux D. Hirata & Co


When should people start to buy Christmas presents? One week before the day? Two weeks? Western children start buying presents months before Christmas. As the day comes nearer, children write lists of what presents they want to give and receive.

Big shopping streets get crowded from late November. Everyone counts (数) down the number of shopping days left until Christmas. Stores put up colored lights and Christmas trees. You will hear Christmas songs like Jingle Bells (《铃儿响叮当》) in shop after shop. Some stores offer many dolls, stuffed animals (填充动物玩具) and computer games. You can play with them to see if you like them — there are people to show you how things work.

People try to get to the shops early to buy presents before they sell out. In the week before Christmas, shops stay open late. Some stores open their doors at 9 am and close them at 9 pm, not 9 am until 5:30 pm as normal. So it’s very tiring for salespeople!

Some people save for months before the holiday to have enough money to spend on their friends and family.

But not everyone goes shopping for Christmas presents. Some people like to make their own gifts and cards.

根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)

( )31. So many Western people begin to do Christmas shopping in     .


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