2014最新英语初三强化训练I used to be afraid of the dark.
第六课时 Section B 3a-4 and Selfcheck阅读课课型 一.本节课单词背记 1.死;死亡n. 2.造成;使发生v. 3.他自己pron. 4.有耐心的;忍耐的a. 5.最后;终于(词组) 6.做决定;下决心(词组) 7.校长(词组) 8.令人惊奇的是……(词组) 9.正;恰恰adv. 10.即使;纵然;尽管(词组) 11.不再(词组) 12.对……感到自豪(词组) 13.注意;专心n. 14.对……注意;留心(词组) 15.放弃(词组) 16.浪费;滥用v. 二.翻译阅读短文中的词组 1. cause a lot of trouble 2 .a fifteen-year-old boy 3. a problem child 4. a recent conversation 5. change his life 6. afford to pay for her child’s education 7. as possible as she could 8. look after him as well as she could 9. be interested in… 10. be interested in studying 11.get into trouble with the police 12. be patient 13. in the end=at last 14. make a difficult decision 15. send him to a boys’ boarding school 16. leave school 17. the head master 18. be necessary to talk with sb. 19. to his surprise 20. help me to understand 21. even though +that 22. no longer=no more =not…any longer=not…any more 23.take pride in 24. everything good 25. be afraid of being alone 26. try to do 27. pay attention to sb. 28. try to make my mother pay more attention to me 29. one of the best students 30. be lucky(a.) ---- do luckily(adv.) 31. be unfortunate(a.)-- do unfortunately(adv.) 二.翻译阅读短文中的词组 1. 引起许多麻烦 2 .一个15岁的男孩 3. 一个问题孩子 4. 一次最近的谈话 5. 改变他的一生 6. 负担得起支付她的孩子的教育费用 7.尽可能地…… 8. 尽可能好的照顾他 9. 对……感兴趣 10. 对学习感兴趣 11.与警察冲突 12. 耐心 13. 最后 14. 做一个艰难的决定 15. 送他去一个男生寄宿学校 16. 离开学校 17. 班主任;校长 18. 必须对某人谈话 19. 令他惊讶的是 20. 帮助我明白 21. 即使;纵然;尽管+that 22. 不再…… 23.以……而自豪骄傲 24. 好的每件事 25. 害怕独自一人 26. 尝试做某事 27. 对……关注;留心 28. 尽力使妈妈更多关注我 29.最棒的学生之一 30. 幸运a.&adv. 31. 不幸的是a.&adv. 三.适当的词填空 1. Martin Murray is a ___________________(fifteen years old )boy. 2. His mother couldn’t afford ___________( pay for) her child’s education. 3. His mother looked after him as ___________ as she could.(good) 4._________________(fortunate), Martin still caused problems for himself and his family. 5. He was not interested in __________(study) and he often got into trouble with the police. 6. _________(Luck), his mother was very patient 7. In the end, she made a difficult ____________(decide). 8.The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin _______( talk) with his mother. Martin called his mother, 9. My mother helped me _____________(understand) how much she had given me. 10. He was watching me and would always take pride _________(填介词) everything good I do. 11. I have been afraid of_______(be) alone, and have tried to make my mother ______________ (to pay more attention to) me. 四.阅读课文回答问题 He used to cause a lot of trouble. Martin Murray id a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a “problem child”, but a recent conversation with his mother changed his life. He didn’t use to give his mother many problems.
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