



1. unhappy( ) 2. extremely( ) 3.interview( ) 4.noise( ) 5.wind( ) 6.neighbor( ) 7.footstep( ) 8.garbage( ) 9.mystery( ) 10.director( ) 11.monkey( ) 12.escape( ) 二、背记下列短语 钟塔社区的奇怪事 过去常常做某事 这些天,如今 社区,附近 任何奇怪的事情 从----- 逃离 害怕 在某人梦中 三、 根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。 1,There are four o_______ on the earth. 2, His brother is a d________ of the computer company. 3, Some strange things are moving at night in our n_____________. 4, Everyone is u__________ because of serious pollution. 5, The radio says there will be a strong w_______ tomorrow. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1, They had fun ___________(swim) in the river. 2, There are some boys _______(play) soccer on the playground. 3, I used to ______ (go) to school on foot. 4, The children are playing ______ (happy) over there .5, I _________ (hear ) nothing just now. 五、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1,瞧,树上有三只猴子。 Look! There are three _______ _______the tree. 2, 当你看到车祸时,你应当报警。 When you see a car accident, you should ______ the _________, 3, 她家门前有些垃圾。 Some ______ _______ in front of her house. 4, 一定有许多老师在这个学校教学。 ___ ______ ______ many teachers teaching in this school. 人人都有自己的看法。 Everyone has his or her ________ ________. 六、3a填空 Our neighborhood (1)________ (use) to be very quiet. However, these days, strange (2)____ (thing) are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is (3)_____ (happy). Zhou Gu, the local school teacher, is (4) (extreme) worried. When he was interviewed by the local newspaper, he said, "Every night we hear strange (5)______(noise) outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be (6)____(a) animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the police, but they can’t find (7)________ (something) strange. They think it might be the wind. I don't think so!" Zhou Gu's next door neighbor Qi Hui is unhappy too. "At first I thought it might be a dog, but I (8)_______(can) see a dog and I still hear the noise outside." Everyone in our neighborhood is worried, and everyone has (9)_______(he) or her own ideas. There must be something (10)______ (visit) the homes in our neighborhood,





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