2014年最新英语九年级跟踪训练(U2 Reading)
Martin Murray is a ________________ boy. He _________ ________ be a “problem boy”. But a recent conversation with his mother changed his life. After his father’s _________, his mother _________ __________ to pay for her child’s education. His mother ________ ________ him as well as she could. Martin often got into __________ with the police. His mother _______him to a boys boarding school. Martin hated the school. “She told me that even though my father was on longer with us, he was watching me and always __________ _________ ________ everything good I do. I decided to change .I have been afraid of been alone, and have tried to make my mother ________ _______ _________ to me.” Said Martin. Now Martin has really changed. He is now one of the best students in his class
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