



Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

Section A

Ⅰ. 1-5: B A C C C

Ⅱ. A.写出下列单词或短语。

单词:restroom, magic

短语:next, get, between…and, save money, hang out , decide to do


1.Excuse me, I can 2. hanging out

III. 1-5: B A C A C

Ⅳ. 1. if/ whether, enjoys 2. that he was 3. when, leaves 4. if / whether, came

Ⅴ. 1. read some magazines 2. get some medicine 3. make a telephone call 4. exchange some money

5. buy shampoo

Section B

Ⅰ. A.写出下列单词或短语。

单词:market , safe

短语:dress, take , to do , on


1.you like best 2. to take a vacation


Self Check

Ⅰ. 1-5: CAACA

II.1.Excuse 2. along 3. turn 4. find 5. take 6. no 7. there 8. minutes’ 9. much 10. welcome

III.1-5: CABCA 6-10: CBCAB

IV. A. 根据句意及首字母完成单词

1. vacation 2. fresh 3. safe

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. interested 2. walking 3. second 4. lessons 5. crowded


Ⅰ. 单词:lend, order , park, trouble

短语:hand, depend, ask, the same


III. 1. where to 2. how to 3. because 4. made up 5. dancing to

IV. 1. About half of the USA was covered by forests in 1620. 2. A lot of good land 3. does it

4. How long 5. grow trees

Ⅴ. Dear Jim,

Thank you for inviting me to Australia to spend my holidays. But I am sorry to tell you that I can’t go now. My cousin called that he would come to see me on Monday. He will arrive by train. I will have to meet him at the station. Then I will show him around my city. HE will stay here for four days. Next week I will be free. I think I will fly to Australia to meet you next Monday.





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