


五. 任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)


Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world, and the third largest in volume (体积), behind Lake Baikal in Russia and Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Lake Superior has a surface area of 31,700 square miles. It is 616 kilometres long from the east to the west and 257 kilometres wide from the south to the north. Its average depth is 147 metres and the greatest depth is about 406 metres. Lake Superior has about 12,100 km³ of water. There is enough water in it to cover the whole land of North and South America with about 1 foot (30 cm) of water. The shoreline (海岸线) of the lake is 4,387 km, including islands.

Storms on Lake Superior usually record wave heights of over 6 metres. Waves well over 9 metres have been recorded. The lake is fed by over 200 rivers. The largest include the Nipigon River, the St. Louis River, the Pigeon River, the Pic River, the White River, the Michipicoten River, the Bois Brule River and the Kaministiquia River. The largest island in Lake Superior is Isle Royale in the state of Michigan. Isle Royale has several lakes. There are also some islands in some of the lakes.


21. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world. 【  】

22. Lake Superior is 616 kilometres long from               .

23.                                                                            24. How many largest rivers does the writer write in the passage?


25. What is the largest island in Lake Superior?



1. 普通人也可以打破世界纪录。

can also               .

2. 我听说过这个人,但我不能说很熟悉他。

I           him, but I can’t say I know much about him.

3. 她不知道是否应该呆在家里。

She doesn’t know                stay at home.

4. 你最好多吃水果和蔬菜来保持身体健康。

You’d better eat           and      to keep healthy.

5. 我想早餐吃两个鸡蛋。

I would like           two eggs          .

七.书面表达 (共计20分)

上周日你和朋友去农村郊游,还在果园里采摘,玩得非常开心。请你根据下面的提示与要求以A Pleasant Trip为题写一篇日记。日记开头已给出。


① How did you go?

② Who did you go with?

③ What did you do there?


① 日记包含所有提示内容,并适当的发挥;

② 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

③ 字数在80词左右,不含已给出的内容。

A Pleasant Trip

Sunday, Oct. 14th                                        Sunny

It is Sunday today. ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________





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